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Every Answer from the Starlink team AMA

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  • Q: Any updates about the space lasers? How much better can the latency be with them? How much better can transcontinental connections be with them? When will real world testing begin?
A: The speed of light is faster in vacuum than in fiber, so the space lasers have exciting potential for low latency links. They will also allow us to serve users where the satellites can't see a terrestrial gateway antenna - for example, over the ocean and in regions badly connected by fiber.
We did have an exciting flight test earlier this year with prototype space lasers on two Starlink satellites that managed to transmit gigabytes of data. But bringing down the cost of the space lasers and producing a lot of them fast is a really hard problem that the team is still working on.
  • Q: Top on my list: Data caps. Yes? No? Hard limit or fuzzy limit?
A: At this time, the Starlink beta service does not have data caps.
  • Follow-up Comment: The vagueness of this answer is worrying. I like how the SpaceX reply bellow has more upvotes than this
A: So we really don't want to implement restrictive data caps like people have encountered with satellite internet in the past. Right now we're still trying to figure a lot of stuff out--we might have to do something in the future to prevent abuse and just ensure that everyone else gets quality service.
  • Q: I live in Canada and the winters can hit -45C, do I need to worry about the dish at those temps?
A: Wow that's cold! While we've performed life-leader testing down to these cold temperatures with no issues the dish is certified to operate from -30C to +40C.
  • Q: Do you know what the target date for a fully open, non invite based, release is?
A: Steadily increasing network access over time to bring in as many people as possible. Notably we're planning to move from a limited beta to a wider beta in late January, should give more users an opportunity to participate.
  • Q: How do you think the speeds we're currently seeing from beta users will hold up once Starlink goes public and a lot more people are subscribed?
A: This is not going to be like your regular satellite internet where it gets way too crowded--as we launch more satellites over time the network will get increasingly great, not increasingly worse.
  • Q: Could you settle the debate over whether the dish has a heater?
A: The Starlink does have self-heating capabilities to deal with a variety of weather conditions. In fact, we'll be deploying a software update in a few weeks to upgrade our snow melting ability with continued improvements planned for the months ahead.
  • Q: How are beta users chosen and what's a good bribe amount?
A: No bribes necessary, our goal is serve everyone eventually. If you really want to help drive that the best thing you can do is send great software engineers over to Starlink to help make it happen.
  • Q: My question is regarding mobile use. I understand that currently the system is designed and optimized for use in a fixed location. However, I live on and work from my 47ft sailboat, currently tied, literally and figuratively, to a dock in South Florida. A mobile system that gives me reliable connectivity will truly set me free to roam the coastal US, Bahamas, and eventually beyond (once the inter-satellite laser link capability is ready). There's a lot of speculation as to whether the current hardware could handle a mobile platform using the phased array antenna and existing mechanical pointing capability, or whether more extensive active stabilization would be required. Anything you can share about this would be most welcome, including, especially, when mobile Starlink might be a reality.
A: Right now, we can only deliver service at the address you sign up with on You might get lucky if you try to use Starlink in nearby locations, but service quality may be worse.
Mobility options - including moving your Starlink to different service addresses (or places that don't even have addresses!) - is coming once we are able to increase our coverage by launching more satellites & rolling out new software.
  • Q: The dish seems to consume a 100w at this point which is pretty great for normal use however on most small to medium sailboats that's a lot of power to be using. Any plans to build out a more efficient system in the future?
A: We have a couple of items in progress to further reduce power consumption. We are working on software and network updates to allow your Starlink to go into a deeper power savings mode to drop power consumption while still remaining connected to the network. Power reductions are a key item we are focusing on for the future.
  • Q: I'm super curious how the Starlink terminal locates the satellites. Presumably it has a built-in catalog of TLE's and/or state vectors or some other description of where the satellites are, which it can download from the Starlink network itself. But how does it make first contact? Does it use the phased array in a particularly low-directivity manner to just shout out "hey, can any satellites hear me? I need to know where you are!"? Does it come with satellite locations preloaded from the factory (seems unlikely, satellite elements go stale).
A: Good question! The Starlink actually has no knowledge of the satellites when it powers on; the constellation is updating all the time so this would be difficult to keep up to date. The Starlink is able to electronically scan the sky in a matter of milliseconds and lock into the satellite overhead, even though its travelling 17,500 mph overhead.
When it detects a satellite the Starlink hones in on its position and makes a request to join the internet. After that the dish is able to download a schedule of which satellites to talk to next and with that it can point right at the satellites when the time comes.
  • Q: Once there are more satellites deployed, how important will it be to have an absolutely obstruction-free view of the sky?
A: You should think about communication between the Starlink dish and the satellite in space as a 'skinny beam' between dishy and the satellite. So, as the satellite passes quickly overhead, if there is a branch or pole between the dish and satellite you'll usually lose connection (not - obstructions generally cause outages and not reduced speeds!).
We're working on some software features that are going to make this much better and, long term, the clearance you'll need is going to shrink as the constellation grows. So this will get much better!
Also, hot short-term tip! The satellites clump up around 53 degrees latitude (north and south). So I would focus on keeping that part of the sky clear as we keep improving this!
  • Q: What part of the project invited the most creativity from the starlink engineers?
A: Creating Starlink has come with tons of exciting challenges, but top few that come to mind:
  1. Selecting full phased arrays for the satellite and dish. It was a major leap of faith to start down this very technically challenging path and hope that we could arrive at an affordable and scalable implementation.
  2. Creating a truly "plug-and-play" experience for customers. We've spent a lot of effort and have gone thru tons and tons of creative ideas on how to make this as simple of an experience as possible - including mounting solutions, automated pointing of the dish, and general unboxing. Any and all ideas welcome!
  3. We've also had to be creative in how we operate what is now the world's largest satellite constellation. We have a very small operations team, so automated orbit guidance and collision avoidance was a must have feature. We tell satellites what their final orbital slot is and they figure out how to get there. For collision avoidance, we upload data on close approaches to relevant satellites multiple times a day, and the satellites then calculate on their own when and how to dodge something, if necessary. (Shout out to the 18th Space Control Squadron for being really awesome partners here!)
We need help solving problems like these everyday on the Starlink program - check out if you'd like to join us!
  • Q: Will starlink be supported in a situation where you can move it to where you need it? If I have a summer cabin that I visit, would it be okay to move it to the other location when we are there?
A: Mobility options - including moving your Starlink to different service addresses (or places that don't even have addresses!) - is coming once we are able to increase our coverage by launching more satellites & rolling out new hardware and software.
  • Q: How are the efforts to bring down Dishy's production costs going? Can you tell us how much it costs to manufacturer?
A: It's going well but this is no doubt one of the hardest challenges we're tackling and there are always ways to improve.
If you want to help design the Starlink production line or product, check out some of our hot jobs below, or email the team directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) .
Production Design:
Automation & Controls Engineer
Sr. Automation & Controls Engineer
Test Automation Engineer
Manufacturing Development Engineer
Product Design:
Certification / Compliance
Antenna Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
RFIC Engineer
PCB Designer (Redmond) and PCB Designer (Hawthorne)
Starlink Software
Software Test
  • Q: Do you have internal "human friendly" nicknames for the individual satellites? Who gets to name them? :)
A: Not yet. Any suggestions?
  • Q: Is there a bug bounty program? Is one planned? Looking forward to getting my hands on the equipment to start research.
A: Yes this :)
  • Q: What wind speeds is the dish tolerant of? How much shelter from the wind does it need? Is this something that should be taken in before a storm, or could you mount it on the tail of a flatbed trailer flying down the interstate into a collapsing thunderstorm? How does the presence of occasional strong winds, (greater than 30mph/48kph), effect the projected service life of the UFO?
A: We definitely don't recommend that you mount it on your flatbed and fly down the interstate into a storm!
The dish is not designed for tropical storms, tornadoes, etc. For high wind events it’s always the safer option to bring the dish inside if you have any concerns .
  • Q: what’s the most misunderstood part about starlink??
A: That we have it all figured out :) We are super excited about the initial response and future potential of Starlink but we still have a ton to learn. If you know any great people who can help us with that, please have them email their resume to [[email protected].](mailto:[email protected].)
  • Q: IPV4, IPV6 both? Does it matter? I've not seen info about this yet from testers.
A: We're testing out IPv6 now, and will roll it out soon! Once it's ready, you'll get both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.
IPv4 addresses are a limited resource – IPv6 is the future.
  • Q: Do you have a target latency that you would like to hit in the future? What is the timeframe when this goal would be met?
A: We challenge ourselves every day to push Starlink to the fundamental limitations of physics. Current Starlink satellites operate at 550 km, where light travel time is 1.8 milliseconds to Earth. The roundtrip from your house to a gaming server and back is at best 4 times 1.8 milliseconds at these altitudes, or under 8 milliseconds.
There are many obstacles that get in the way of achieving these latencies. For examples,
  1. When satellites are not directly overhead, your data must travel through the air for more time.
  2. Small levels of packet buffering are helpful for a stable service, but hurt latency.
  3. Starlink traffic travels through fiber on the ground. This is an indirect pathway that is 1.5 times slower than photons in vacuum.
We will continually fight to provide the best latency possible, especially to provide a stable and reactive experience for gamers. We need experts who are passionate about pushing the boundary of physics and breaking expectations about what is possible with the internet! Send your resumes to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) :)

Closing Comment:

Thanks for participating in our first Starlink AMA!
The response so far has been amazing! Huge thanks to everyone who's already part of the Beta – we really appreciate your patience and feedback as we test out the system.
Starlink is an extremely flexible system, and will get better over time as we make the software smarter. Latency, bandwidth, and reliability can all be improved significantly – come help us get there faster! Send your resume to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or check out some hot jobs below.
We’re continuously improving all of the parts of the system. We update all of our satellites weekly, and push software updates to the Starlink dishes, WiFi routers, and phone app every couple weeks.
All the feedback so far as been invaluable and is being directly incorporated into engineering decisions across the organization. This has been really inspiring to us all. We're incredibly excited to continue on this journey together as we bring internet to disconnected populations across the world. And, then to Mars!
Production Design:
Automation & Controls Engineer
Sr. Automation & Controls Engineer
Test Automation Engineer
Manufacturing Development Engineer
Product Design:
Certification / Compliance
Antenna Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
RFIC Engineer
PCB Designer (Redmond) and PCB Designer (Hawthorne)
Software Engineer (Starlink)
Senior Software Engineer (Starlink Network)
Software Engineer (Starlink Automation & Infrastructure)
Software Test
Product Security Engineer

Bonus Comments by Elon Musk:

  • Q: Any updates about the space lasers? How much better can the latency be with them? How much better can transcontinental connections be with them? When will real world testing begin?
A: Did you say space lasers?
Closing Comment: If you want to build the Internet the way it should be, join Starlink
submitted by Smoke-away to Starlink [link] [comments]

Escaping the corps CH 1 (by me)

The bar was a bit of a dump. Old, slightly dusty with dark wallpaper that clung halfheartedly to the walls where it had probably been plastered for the last 70 years or so. A few patches of paper had torn away, the result of beer or vodka or some other drink being spilt there; exposing the old durasteel wall behind it. The booth he sat in was old, the dull maroon colored vinyl fabric was laced with cracks and grooves of countless years. The table was worn, it's fake finish mostly worn away save for a few places not usually touched by customers while they ate one of four items on a menu that hadn't changed in 50 years. The Shining Light Bar, so named for a single chorded unshaded light that hung from the ceiling, the only real source of light in the bar besides an old jukebox in the corner and the dimly flickering neon of old signs. it was advertised as a place of respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. A place where everyone knew your name and your favorite spot was always open. If he was being honest that description made him want to laugh. The bars as a shitty hole in the wall, the kind of place you went to because you were too poor or too drunk to go anywhere else, just the kind of place he needed for his job.
He'd been here for over an hour, sitting in the corner nursing a now half filled glass of beer and appearing to read a book. To anyfur else he was just another one of the patrons, a tired fennec fox who was trying to get his drink on after a long day of work. Of course to someone who wasn't 'anyfur' he'd stick out like a sore thumb. For one he wasn't dressed quite like the others. The few other patrons in the bar (mostly foxes, weasels and an old otter) were clearly used to a harder walk of life than others in the city, their clothes and jackets were old patched and worn. His wasn't pristine by any stretch of the imagination, but compared to the others it was much nicer. Then there was his drink, unlike the other patrons who drained their glasses and quickly ordered another he'd had the same glass since he sat down. He made sure to sip from it on occasion, keeping up the appearance that he was just another patron when in reality it was just another layer to his cover. Besides, one drink for pretty piss poor beer wouldn't ruin his concentration, he'd surfed much tougher networks while drinking much stronger drinks. Lastly anyfur who gave him a hard enough look would be bound to notice his eyes. The book helped to mask his true intentions, just another layer to his disguise. But if anyone actually took the time to watch him they'd notice his eyes darting back and forth, much more often and much quicker than was needed to read a simple printed book.
He paused for a moment, his eyes coming To a stop as he brought the glass of, by now, warm beer to his muzzle for a drink. He didn't mind it's musty flavor, or the fact that it wasn't cold anymore. It was all a way to keep him grounded, a way to keep himself from slipping down the rabbit hole he was already toeing. Setting the glass back down on the table he resumed his efforts, numbers and symbols appearing in front of his vision as a kind of overlay to the world around him. Truth be told this place was perfect, quite, out of the way, the kind of place everyone knew about but only a few people went to. Just the kind of place he could set up and wait. That was something most freelancers in the city did wrong. They tended to think most problems could be solved by kicking in some door, shouting or waving a gun around and when necessary an old fashioned shootout. Shootouts made for good news stories on tv but lousy business. It was too easy for some banger to pull out a plasan rifle and shoot you through a wall, or else a smart targeting gun or implant that could simply tell him where to shoot to cause a ricochet that would kill you. And if you had someone unskilled with you then things just became downright impossible or as good as, making a shootout one of the worst things a freelancer could do in an unknown situation. Not to mention the rise in concealed and personal weapon implants meant that pretty much everyone was packing something nowadays.
That didn't mean he avoided guns, the P67 submachine pistol sitting in it's shoulder holster under his jacket was proof enough of that. But his method was slower, more methodical. Instead of kicking down physical doors he preferred to kick down virtual ones first. That's why he was here, in this lousy bar at 11:45pm on a thursday night, he was working. Taking another sip of beer he narrowed his eyes slightly. Getting into the bars' Old broadband network had been laughably easy. It had barely any security on it and still used the default passwords for the decade old router and model, meaning it was simply a matter of dropping a brute force bug into the system and waiting for it to churn through the 500 or so default passwords until it found the right one. When it had the wall of numbers of symbols that had filled his vision shattered and broke away, rearranging itself into patterns that allowed him to see what was connected to the network and if it could be manipulated in any way. He'd ignored most of the devices on the network, smart TVs, smart phones, smart appliances, ect. A few personal computers from the apartment building above the bar had piqued his interest, but he's resisted the urge to break into those. He had more important things to do. He'd combed through the system, looking at each device connected to it finally finding what he'd been looking for after half an hour of searching.
In the basement of the bar someone had set up a signal repeater and connected it to the network, allowing for the signal to be extended further than was usually possible for such a simple setup. That extended network was then through a new router which had been modified to produce a random IP address every 12 hours, making it nearly untraceable. Just the kind of network an up and coming street gang might find useful if they were trying to download and burn illegal bootlegs of the latest movies, pornos and virtual trips. In some ways he was impressed, someone in the gang obviously had a bit of technical know how. Otherwise they would not have been able to set up this shadow network. At the same time, just from the kind of security routines and firewalls they were using he could tell they were amateurs at best, probably less of a street 'gang' and more of a group of friends who fancied themselves 'ruffians' and were just trying to make a little extra money.
Taking another sip of beer he decided he'd been here long enough. He'd spent the last 30 minutes combing the shadow network, finding each device connected to it; three tower computers burning disks, a fourth tower that was doing all the downloading, and a few other random devices. His eyes flickered from side to side as he began his attack. Any freelancer could simply kick the door down, shoot the wannabes and smash the computers. But that would simply leave a trail of destruction right back to the freelancer. Instead he scanned the network, pulling up every connected device before going to work. First the computers that were burning the disks and chips. For those he dropped a spike, disabling the mechanic's component limiters. Each drive was capable of spinning at 10,000 RPMs, a few hacks to the code later and the speed increased ramping up to 100,000 in the span of a few seconds; each motor frying and burning out inside the computer casings. Next came the computer that was doing the downloads, for that he overclocked the CPU while at the same time disabling the temperature monitor, causing the computer to grow hotter and hotter until it's plastic components started to melt and turn to useless slag. Lastly came the router the entire shadow network ran off of, no need to do anything fancy with it. A quick executable later and a surge of power blew out it's circuitry, overloading the model and shutting it down for good.
He followed his pathway back, returning the part of his mind that had been doing the hacking to his body. In the bar no one was any the wiser to what he'd done, just as he liked it. Smiling to himself he picked up the half full glass of beer and drained it. Dropping a few chits on the table he stood up, stuffing the book he'd been using into his bag before slinging it over his shoulder and heading towards the exit. The wolf from behind the counter smiled at him, "come again anytime." He smiled at her, nodding even though he had no intention of ever returning. No need to be rude. Exiting the bar he paused for a moment, zipping up his jacket to protect himself against the cool night air. To others it was probably only mildly chilly, but to a fennec like him it may as well have been an extra 10 degrees colder. As he began to walk his ears twitched involuntarily, piquing and flicking to pick up on the ambient noise around him.
He kept his ears at attention, the acoustic analysis implant in his head scanning through the storm of sounds; searching for any signs of danger. It was unlikely true, but not impossible for someone to figure out it had been him that had wrecked their little operation. Afterall at least one of them had had some kind of technical experience, enough to set up the shadow network and link all the computers together in the first place. Walking down the sidewalk he did his best to blend into the crowd, a feat that wasn't easy since his ears stuck up a few inches above everyone he passed by. He'd learned this over the years. As odd as it sounded, after a job was done it was a good idea to stick around for a little while. Whenever something went wrong bad guys tended to spring into action, looking for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. A fennec fox no one had seen before trying to flee the area would certainly count as such. So he bid his time, wandering the street and scanning the crowd, occasionally stopping at a window to look at the shop inside. As he paused to examine a handmade bag his implant tweaked, automatically adjusting his hearing so as to better hear a conversation that was happening between a weasel and a rabbit across the street behind him.
"Johnny says the computers are broke." "What happened?" "Don't know. Could be a power surge." "I told you we shoulda set up somewhere more stable."
I smiled to himself. So they'd found his handy work already, good. Indeed a moment or two later he watched in the glass as the weasel and rabbit took off, heading in the opposite direction he'd been headed. Good a time as any.
Straightening up he moved, making his way through the streets towards the parking garage he'd left his car in when he'd arrived. Dropping into the driverseat he started the engine, doing his best to look as if he was just another person on their way out to buy groceries or get some smokes and not like a freelancer driving away from the latest job. The further he got from the neighborhood the better he felt. No one was following him, or trying to stop him and a quick ping hack from his car's wireless receiver told him no drones or hacks had tailed him either. He was in the clear. Smiling to himself he tapped his phone, pulling up the number of the contact who had given him the contract.
Coming to a stop at a red light he waited, his eyes flickering upwards for a moment as a SWAT heavy response craft hovering above his car making it shake under the large craft's repulsors. After several seconds though the craft drifted up and away, giving him a view of the neon laced silver and glass skyscrapers that lined either sides of the street. He'd lived in Star City most of his life, only leaving it's limits a handful of times in recent memory. The last time-
But he was pulled from whatever thoughts he might have had when his phone connected the call and a stern but kind female voice spoke to him. "This is Deputy Aloe. Who is this?"
He chuckled. "Always so business like Aloe. Someday you'll answer with a nice pleasant 'Hi. how are you,'.
She chuckled at that, a dry but genuine sound. "Don't hold your breath Tesla. Jobs done?"
He nodded, more for himself than her before responding. "Computers are slagged, network is down and the Shining Light Bar can still serve crappy booze to its guests once again. No shootouts, no explosions, no dead bodies in the streets; just as requested."
Again Aloe chuckled. "You don't disappoint Tesla, sending the bits to your account. Pleasure doing business."
As the light turned green he spoke up, sensing the call nearing its end. "I don't suppose Star City PD has any other little jobs they want dealt with? Maybe bust up some smugglers like last week? Or plant some bugs like the week before?"
There was a pause for several seconds before Aloe spoke. "Nothing right now. Might have something next week. We're getting ready to raid some places, we'll need help with sweeps afterwards."
He nodded again to himself. He'd helped in a few after raid sweeps before, they were boring, usually pretty tedious too and just involved scanning former gang hideouts and strongholds for hidden networks or routers that standard PD procedures usually missed. "Maybe. I'm not that desperate for work though." He got no response from that. After several seconds he raised an eyebrow. "Something on your mind detective?"
When Aloe spoke next her voice was hesitant and uncertain. "You know… you get shit done. Your work is always clean. You never haggle or hit us up for more bits."
He shrugged. "We both know the PD is stretched thin. Call it a public service."
"You could do more, you know. Put those talents to use inside the law rather than in the legal grey. Y-"
This time it was his turn to laugh, seeing where the conversation was going. "Lemme stop you there detective. You can save the recruitment speech, I'm not interested."
Without missing a beat Aloe spoke over him. "Why not? You could do some real good in this city, instead of skulking around in the shadows and cleaning up dregs you could bust some real criminals."
Again he chuckled, half rolling his eyes. "Do you think I don't bust criminals with what I do?"
Aloe's voice became disapproving. "Killing them is not busting them."
He shrugged at her words. "That's for lawyers to decide afterwards. Look, I appreciate your appreciation but we both know I'm of more use to you like this. Besides, if I joined the PD I'd have to disclose my identity and my past. I may not have an entire rogue gallery like some of the more famous freelancers and crawlers, but I'm sure there are more than a few people who'd like to splice open my brain and watch me suffer. It's just better this way. Sides, I have a feeling the pay is better on this side of the law." As he spoke he glanced at his phone, noting a flashing indicator that his account had received the payment and was now 500 bits richer than it had been this morning. Not by a lot, but enough to make rent this month.
Pulling into his parking space and shutting off the engine he listened to Aloe sigh. "Alright, but if you change your mind I'll personally vouch for you."
He said his goodbye, ending the call before dropping his phone into his pocket and getting out of the car. He really could appreciate the deputy's efforts, she'd been after him for a little while now. Ever since he'd helped bust a drug ring selling Chrome on the streets spiked with a virus. But in the end three main factors kept him from joining. 1, the pay was lousy. 2, if he joined the PD he'd have to play by their rules and no matter how skilled he was, there were simply some things he could do as a freelancer that they as police officers couldn't do. And lastly, number 3, if he joined the PD he'd have to register his real name along with his past. He wasn't a famous freelancer, nowhere near the skill of some of the legends that lived in the city; Spyder, Sintex, P0G, or even Gam3guy. He was known however in smaller circles, in the groups of up and coming freelancers; all of whom were looking for a way to get a leg up. If he registered that info he'd spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, waiting for a scav or some ganger to sneak up behind to shank him, or some ganger to try and off him in the streets.
Climbing out of his car he paused, making sure he was alone in the lot before crossing it and moving inside his apartment building. Most freelancers wanted flashy places, places with polished synth-marble and fancy robotic butlers who opened the doors for you, not him. Those kinds of places were luxurious sure, but they also cost a level of privacy. If you lived there you did so partially for who you called neighbor; be they movie stars, billionaire Corporate CEOs or politicians. The Westbrook Deluxe apartments were much more his tastes. Officially the apartments offered all the modern conveniences an anthro could want; species accommodating beds and bathrooms, ample living spaces, high speed connectivity to the net and a happy and wholesome atmosphere. In reality only the last bit was true.
The species accommodating beds and bathrooms were practically a joke, he was pretty sure his unity had been built for equine or draco species; definitely one of the larger species. Although if he was being honest that just meant the bed he slept on was three times as big as he needed and his shower was the size of a walk-in closet. The 'ample living space' was also subjective at best. The apartments were more often than not on the smaller side, usually having only a bedroom, living room/dining room, a small corner that barely qualified as a kitchen, a bathroom and in his case an extra room that was probably meant as an extra large closet but that he used as an office. 'High speed connectivity' was secretly code for, 'we have one high-speed router that all 56 tenants will share'. The atmosphere was rather pleasant though, even as he walked up the front steps and pulled open one of the double doors someone called out to him, welcoming him back and asking how he was doing. He smiled, waving at the 20 something male racoon who waved back. Most of the tenants were teenagers or young adults attending the local university, or living on their own for the first time. A few of them were like him, people who dealt with the less savory side of the city and simply wished to keep a low profile. And some were older, having lived in this part of the city since it had been built in the late 120s.
This kind of a community suited him just fine. Those around him we're young and eager, each of them no doubt hoping to be the next big CEO or inventory of Web Crawler. Living here had even provided him with a few business opportunities, one reason why he always checked the building's bulletin board to see if anyone was having any kind of issues he could help resolve. The old board was a mess of the usual postings, notes asking if others wanted to come over for a party, or else advertising some lost or found item. One posting was for a moving sale, and still another asking if anyone would be willing to help the poster paint their apartment. He'd grown up in buildings like this, although the ones he'd been in had been much less friendly. Making his way to the elevator he smiled as the occupants of the vehicle began to file out, most of whom recognized and greeted him with a smile or a small "hey." He was grateful when he found that he was the only one riding the elevator up. Tapping the 11 button he sighed, leaning back against one of the elevator walls as it began to lift him to his floor. It was almost nine at night, meaning once he got home he had no intention of leaving until the next day. Mentally he picked his way through his fridge, deciding to have the leftover pasta and chicken he'd gotten from a street vendor two days ago. It was probably still good… probably. Maybe add a little hot sauce to it, it would be a decent enough dinner. Then he could relax with some TV, maybe take a hot shower and then actually get a decent nice sleep.
As the elevator came to a stop he stepped out, making his way down the familiar hallway and to the door marked by a glowing set of numbers, 27. He pressed his paw to the biopad, waiting for a moment as it scanned him before approving his entry and opening the door with a soft woosh. Stepping into his apartment, he watched as the lights flickered on automatically. He'd never been much of a decorator, preferring extreme function over astetical taste. As such, his apartment was a hodgepodge collection of furniture. A black vinyl couch that was big enough to double as a second bed, something the old tenant had left behind which he'd kept for its size and comfort. A tv stand made out of cheap synthetic wood that he'd fished out of a dumpster and sprayed liberally with disinfectant. His tv was 120 inches, not exactly something he'd brag about but the fact he'd gotten it for free; definitely. A coffee table from a thrift store and a few other odds and ends made up his living/dining room. Taking off his jacket he dropped it onto it's hook, making his way to the couch which he dropped into with a sigh. It felt good to be home, even better when he'd kicked off his shoes and holster, setting the latter down on the coffee table.
It felt good to have solved the problem without needing to pull his gun. Sinking back into the soft embrace of the couch he sighed again. Turning on the TV he groaned as the news kicked on, the familiar anchor a young and slim Boa Constrictor named James Garder was busy explaining how some kind of technical glitch in the city's Civilian Aug-Net had caused several public incidents when it had falsely reported a dozen or so civilian augments as failing around the city; causing emergency medical teams to be dispatched to the area to try and assist. He rolled his eyes at the report. The civilian Aug-Net was far from reliable, not surprising since the VI's monitoring it were decade out of date and the network itself was easily handling twice the capacity it was designed too.
Originally the system had been built as a kind of life alert for the budding augmented community. Anyone with any kind of augmentation; no matter how small or minor was implanted with a Biomonitoring chip which monitored their vitals as well as the interface between the organic and inorganic parts of their body. If something happened, causing a big enough spoke in the person's vitals then an emergency medical team was dispatched, with the system broadcasting the person's location, health and other important information having already been provided to the team. When it had first been brought on line it had been held up as a tool for good, a way for doctors to monitor their patients and keep them safe. Now though, 30+ years later the system was showing its age, with glitches and crashes being commonplace nearly everyday occurrences. Worse than that though, script slingers and web crawlers had breached the system security a few years back. Now anyone with decent enough skills or access to those with said skills could use the system to find anyone they were looking for; provided they knew the person's 17 character biosignature.
He'd disabled his connection to the network of course, more precisely he'd paid a script slingers the mask his signature. Most freelancers and grifters did so, the act actually being a small right of passage into the freelancer community. It removed a level of protection, but afforded them greater secrecy and anonymity; just another reason why their services were in such high demand. Officially they still existed in the network, their numbers still came up as active until they were reported as dead, but if anyone were to take a closer look they'd find that the biometric data never changed, always reporting as healthy with a moderate amount of physical activity but no other outlying markers; nondescript in practically every way.
He turned his attention away from the news, getting up from the couch and stretching for a second as he did so. He was tired, though it was more mental than physical; a side effect of the hacking he'd done earlier. Speaking of which, he should probably get in contact with his scriptslinger tomorrow and thank him for the viruses he'd used on this job. They'd made things much MUCH easier than they could have been. He'd never been the most skilled hacker in the world. He knew enough to breach security networks and systems. Sometimes he was even skilled enough to snag drones or other automated bots and take control of them for a time; but that was about it, and script writing had always been out of his league. Most security networks, at least higher tier security ones; used AI or VI integration. Meaning that an AI or VI monitored the system for any intrusions or unauthorized activity and once it detected something it would begin to learn and formulate ways of stopping it. Because of that the same hacks rarely worked twice so anyone looking to do some serious hacking had to have an array of hacks, cracks, viruses and deployable glitches up their sleeve, something he just didn't have the skill to make on his own. Pretty much anything more complex than modest systems and he needed a scriptslinger's help. Luckily he'd found one he liked after having been without a regular one for almost a year.
Groaning to himself he moved, stepping into the small space that passed for a kitchen and pulling open his fridge to browse the contents inside. Originally he'd planned to have the rest of the Chinese food he'd gotten last week, but now standing here the half eaten breakfast burrito he'd made yesterday seemed the better choice. Grabbing the breakfast burrito he dropped it onto a plate, tossing it in the microwave for a few seconds and watching as the obligatory 'please stand two steps back, unshielded augments may be damaged by microwaves' message played before the appliance kicked on and began to heat his food. In truth he wasn't really that hungry, but he needed to eat something or else his stomach would grumble and growl at him all night. As his food finished cooking he pulled it out, taking a bite and enjoying the pleasant albeit slightly dulled flavors; egg, chicken and potatoes, his favorite.
Soon enough the burrito was gone, giving him a nice warm feeling in his stomach as he yawned and stretched. Bed sounded like heaven right now, and so he turned off the TV with a quick command before heading to his bedroom. Stripping off his shirt he paused as he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror that hung on his wall. He was thin, maybe a tad bit thinner than other fennec foxes in the city. His fur was the standard shades of sand and creme at least along his hips and chest. His left arm was different though, not fur and flesh but instead silvery metal and black rubber in the shape of an arm. When he'd first gotten the cybernetic arm he'd resented it. All the doctors had told him it was a common emotion to feel, especially in those who had been augmented under less than ideal circumstances. At the time he'd wanted to snap the doctor's neck. 'less than ideal circumstances' that's what they called what had happened to him. In time though the feelings of resentment and anger had lessened, although they werent completely gone even now. It wasn't the cybernetic arm's fault, it had even saved his life a few times. Plus the enhanced strength and dexterity had proven useful in several situations.
Most of his body wasn't augmented. He still had his original legs, and internal organs (though his lungs were outfitted with the standard biofilters that everyone was implanted with at birth.) His eyes were still the original shade of blue they'd been when he'd been growing up. Above his right a few flecks of metallic silver glinted through his short fur, the biocircuitry all augmented individuals needed to interface with the machines and equipment necessary to keep their augments synced and in tune with their organic brains. His ears looked normal, or at least what passed for normal amongst fennec foxes, giving very little indications or clues about the augments inside them. Reaching back he ran his paw over his 'hair'. Anyone looking at him saw three thick black colored ponytails that hung down to midway between his shoulder blades, decorated with some kind of silver tipping. If they were to look closer however they'd notice the 'braid' in the strands was an industrial pattern and that the tips were not capped with decorations but instead silvery plugs which allowed him to connect to a much wider range of machinery and equipment than others.
Kicking off his jeans he pondered for a moment removing his briefs too and enjoying a nice sleep in the nude. In the end he decided against that, instead leaving the black and red garment on as he crawled into his usual place on his three sizes too big bed. Wiggling and squirming into place he waved his paw, a sensor in the headboard of his bed recognizing the gesture and turning off the lights in the bedroom as well as any others he'd left on in the apartment, plunging him into near darkness. Finally finding the right position he sighed, allowing the weight and softness of the blankets and the warmth of the bed to wash over him.
submitted by Gameguy199 to furry [link] [comments]

[RELEASE] Resilient & Comprehensive My Ecobee Devices (tstat & switch) and ecosystem V6 - now available with Hubitat optimized code. New version of MyEcobeeDevice (v6.2.8): getTips() for comfort & energy savings tips based on your indoor/outdoor conditions & HomeIQ stats!

[RELEASE] Resilient & Comprehensive My Ecobee Devices (tstat & switch) and ecosystem V6 - now available with Hubitat optimized code. New version of MyEcobeeDevice (v6.2.8): getTips() for comfort & energy savings tips based on your indoooutdoor conditions & HomeIQ stats!
**New Release*\*
  • MyEcobeeDevice (v6.2.8) - correction to getTips() for Hubitat in order to retrieve all relevant comfort & energy savings for your location based on your indoooutdoor conditions & HomeIQ stats.
Here are 2 new devices available under the Hubitat platform: My Ecobee device & My Ecobee switch.
A contribution fee is required due to the amount of work for the design, development, and testing of the devices (equivalent of a few cups of coffee).*
You can download the code at my store:
The code has been designed to exclusively work on the Hubitat platform. It is derived from the code that has been running for more than 6 years under the SmartThings platform and has been modified/optimized for the Hubitat. You can install only the devices/smartapps that you need, not more.
  • The design is NOT a big monolytic application which takes too much resources on your hub and limits its evolutivity.
  • The code has been designed to work with an ecosystem of smartapps** acting as "micro services".
  • The code unlocks all ecobee's rich APIs features**, and more (see below with the new tips features).
  • It's the best of both worlds: ecobee and Hubitat working together for more comfort and energy savings at your home!

My Ecobee device for Hubitat (p1)

MyEcobee device for Hubitat (p2)

MyEcobee Switch

For more information, refer to the Community wiki:

Related "complimentary" smartapps at my github (see all use cases supported below):

I've developed more than 15k lines of code for the ecobee automation. It's the most comprehensive ecobee implementation for exposing all relevant ecobee attributes and commands in automation scenarios. There is no other thermostat device that offers this kind of capabilities under Hubitat (compared to Nest, Honeywell Lyric or any other smart thermostats).

See all the use cases in the text below.

Benefits of My Ecobee device vs. Hubitat's ecobee stock device or other thermostats:
- My ecobee Device is far better than any dumb z-wave or zigbee (and even a Nest or Honewell Lyric) thermostat when connected to Hubitat as it can use the schedule sets at ecobee for automation scenarios. You don't need to reprogram all your schedules for automation.
- There are some robust techniques in the code to avoid disconnects as much as possible and to "replay" failed commands sent to the tstat up to an hour after an ecobee outage**

For more details about the benefits of ecobee vs. other connected thermostats, refer to

- All Hubitat thermostat capabilities are exposed for easier integration with Rule Engines (Rule Machine, WebCore or others)
- My Ecobee device takes full advantage of the ecobee features, and does not create temporary holds for no reason.
You can leverage my ecosystem of smartapps which was mostly built upon the following principle: ecobee is responsible for the scheduling and Hubitat manages any exceptions to your regular schedules (ex. you're away when you are usually at home, or back home when you're usually away).
- New "features":

* The smartest Thermostat under Hubitat with "tips" feature.**

* With V5 and higher, My ecobee device will be able to give you "energy savings and comfort tips" by applying some heuristics rules based on actual indoooutdoor conditions at your home.


The following indoooutdoor metrics will be processed by My Ecobee's heuristics rule engine to provide "comfort and energy saving tips":

  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Daily Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (if you have a multi-stage cooling system)
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Daily Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (if you have a multi-stage heating system)
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Yesterday's Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Yesterday's Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Weekly Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Weekly Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Monthly Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Monthly Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Fan Runtime
  • Current Indoor Humidity
  • Current Indoor Temperature
  • Current OutdoorTemperature
  • Ideal target Indoor Humidity calculated based on outdoor temp
  • Average of Indoor Temperature over a given period of time (ex.weekly)
  • Average outdoor temperature in the period
  • Standard deviation of Indoor Temperature in the period
  • Standard deviation of Outdoor Temperature in the period
  • Count of Away commands sent to thermostat
  • Count of Sleep commands sent to thermostat
  • Count of Hold commands sent to thermostat
  • Minimum temp at remote sensors temp collected over a period
  • Maximum temp at remote sensors collected over a period
  • Average temp at remote sensors collected over a period
  • hasDehumidifier (ecobee connected to a dehumidifier or not)
  • hasHumidifier
  • hasHrv or hasErv
  • specific ecobee parameters related to 2-3 stage cooling/heating systems.
  • etc.

Please contact me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for any questions related to MyEcobee device and its integration with smart vents and any Hubitat connected temp & motion sensors to create heating/cooling zoned solutions..
As a reminder, with my Ecobee device (which is feature complete) and smartapps, you can do the following:

1) Setting your thermostat to Away or Home based on Hubitat's location modes (Home, Away, Night)
See the ecobeeChangeMode smartapp.

2) Resuming your program/climate when you're back home
See the ecobeeResumeProg smartapp.

3) Setting your thermostat to vacation mode

See the ecobeeManageVacation smartapp.

4) Setting your ecobee climate/program at a given time

See the ecobeeSetClimate smartapp.

5) Monitoring and setting your indoor humidity level using your humidifedehumidifeHRV/ERV (when connected to ecobee) and humidifiedehumidifiers/fan switches

It also allows you to use the ecobee's free cooling feature...

See the MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity smartapp and this thread for more details:

6) Monitoring and setting your setpoints based on any connected indoor temp/motion sensors (similar to ecobee3's follow me feature) & outdoor temperature

See the MonitorAndSetEcobeeTemp smartapp

7) Exposing your ecobee's remote sensors to Hubitat for HA scenarios

See the ecobeeRemoteSensorInit smartapp.

8) Enabling zoned heating/cooling at your home & Controlling your smart vents based on your indoor temp/motion/contact/presence sensors in conjunction with your thermostat's programs & setpoints

See the ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule smartapp

9) Controlling your minimum fan time per hour during a climate/schedule run

See the ecobeeSetFanMinOnTime smartapp

10) Generating some ecobee HVAC stats on a daily basis and sending them to groveStreams for data analytics

_See the following smartapps: ecobeeGenerateStats & groveStreams smartapps_

11) Turning off your thermostat(s) when Window or Door contacts are open and restoring your thermostat mode when they are closed

_See the WindowOrDoorOpen! smartapp._

12) Trigger to turn on/off or flash some switch(es) and/or execute hello phrases (routines) based on MyEcobee's thermostatOperatingState

_See the ecobeeStateTriggerHA smartapp._

P.S. If you want to execute the switch or routine trigger in (quasi) real-time, you'd need to poll MyEcobee device every minute.

13) Changing the backlighting settings

_See the ecobeeSetBacklight smartapp._

14) Set the audio volume on the ecobee4 & Smart thermostat

See the ecobeeUpdateAudio smartapp._

15) And many more features, you may want to consult the wiki for more details

MyEcobee device's code is fully functional and available now at my store.

All my smartapps (which only work with MyEcobee device and represent several hundred of hours of development work and testing) are available for free (for your own usage only) at my github:

submitted by yracine to Hubitat [link] [comments]

[RELEASE] Resilient & Comprehensive My Ecobee Devices (tstat & switch) and ecosystem V6 - now available under Hubitat with optimized code for faster performances and reliability

[RELEASE] Resilient & Comprehensive My Ecobee Devices (tstat & switch) and ecosystem V6 - now available under Hubitat with optimized code for faster performances and reliability
Here are 2 new devices available under the Hubitat platform: My Ecobee device & My Ecobee switch.
A contribution fee is required due to the amount of work for the design, development, and testing of the devices (equivalent of a few cups of coffee).*
You can download the code at my store:

The code has been designed to exclusively work on the Hubitat platform. It is derived from the code that has been running for more than 6 years under the SmartThings platform and has been modified/optimized for the Hubitat. You can install only the devices/smartapps that you need, not more.
  • The design is NOT a big monolytic application which takes too much resources on your hub and limits its evolutivity.
  • The code has been designed to work with an ecosystem of smartapps** acting as "micro services".
  • The code unlocks all ecobee's rich APIs features**, and more (see below with the new tips features).
  • It's the best of both worlds: ecobee and Hubitat working together for more comfort and energy savings at your home!

My ecobee device

My Ecobee device on Hubitat (p1)

My Ecobee device (p2)

My ecobee Switch
For more information, refer to the Community wiki:

**New Releases**
  • MyEcobeeInit (v5.2) corrects some duplicate issues when renaming devices
  • MyEcobee device V6.2, MyEcobeeInit (v.5.0), MyEcobeeSwitch (v1.0.6): better global caching performances for locations with multiple tstats and switches]
  • MyEcobee device V6.1: added the *setTargetHumidityLevel* custom capability & tile in the UI for controlling humidifiers/dehumidifiers connected to ecobee
Related "complimentary" smartapps at my github (see all use cases supported below):

I've developed more than 15k lines of code for the ecobee automation. It's the most comprehensive ecobee implementation for exposing all relevant ecobee attributes and commands in automation scenarios. There is no other thermostat device that offers this kind of capabilities under Hubitat (compared to Nest, Honeywell Lyric or any other smart thermostats).

See all the use cases in the text below.

Benefits of My Ecobee device vs. Hubitat's ecobee stock device or other thermostats:
- My ecobee Device is far better than any dumb z-wave or zigbee (and even a Nest or Honewell Lyric) thermostat when connected to Hubitat as it can use the schedule sets at ecobee for automation scenarios. You don't need to reprogram all your schedules for automation.
- There are some robust techniques in the code to avoid disconnects as much as possible and to "replay" failed commands sent to the tstat up to an hour after an ecobee outage**

For more details about the benefits of ecobee vs. other connected thermostats, refer to

- All Hubitat thermostat capabilities are exposed for easier integration with Rule Engines (Rule Machine, WebCore or others)
- My Ecobee device takes full advantage of the ecobee features, and does not create temporary holds for no reason.
You can leverage my ecosystem of smartapps which was mostly built upon the following principle: ecobee is responsible for the scheduling and Hubitat manages any exceptions to your regular schedules (ex. you're away when you are usually at home, or back home when you're usually away).
- New "features":

* The smartest Thermostat under Hubitat with "tips" feature.**

* With V5 and higher, My ecobee device will be able to give you "energy savings and comfort tips" by applying some heuristics rules based on actual indoooutdoor conditions at your home.


The following indoooutdoor metrics will be processed by My Ecobee's heuristics rule engine to provide "comfort and energy saving tips":

  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Daily Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (if you have a multi-stage cooling system)
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Daily Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (if you have a multi-stage heating system)
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Yesterday's Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Yesterday's Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Weekly Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Weekly Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Monthly Cooling Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Average Monthly Heating Runtime globally and for each stage of your HVAC
  • (Stats from HomeIQ) Fan Runtime
  • Current Indoor Humidity
  • Current Indoor Temperature
  • Current OutdoorTemperature
  • Ideal target Indoor Humidity calculated based on outdoor temp
  • Average of Indoor Temperature over a given period of time (ex.weekly)
  • Average outdoor temperature in the period
  • Standard deviation of Indoor Temperature in the period
  • Standard deviation of Outdoor Temperature in the period
  • Count of Away commands sent to thermostat
  • Count of Sleep commands sent to thermostat
  • Count of Hold commands sent to thermostat
  • Minimum temp at remote sensors temp collected over a period
  • Maximum temp at remote sensors collected over a period
  • Average temp at remote sensors collected over a period
  • hasDehumidifier (ecobee connected to a dehumidifier or not)
  • hasHumidifier
  • hasHrv or hasErv
  • specific ecobee parameters related to 2-3 stage cooling/heating systems.
  • etc.

Please contact me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for any questions related to MyEcobee device and its integration with smart vents and any Hubitat connected temp & motion sensors to create heating/cooling zoned solutions..
As a reminder, with my Ecobee device (which is feature complete) and smartapps, you can do the following:

1) Setting your thermostat to Away or Home based on Hubitat's location modes (Home, Away, Night)
See the ecobeeChangeMode smartapp.

2) Resuming your program/climate when you're back home
See the ecobeeResumeProg smartapp.

3) Setting your thermostat to vacation mode

See the ecobeeManageVacation smartapp.

4) Setting your ecobee climate/program at a given time

See the ecobeeSetClimate smartapp.

5) Monitoring and setting your indoor humidity level using your humidifedehumidifeHRV/ERV (when connected to ecobee) and humidifiedehumidifiers/fan switches

It also allows you to use the ecobee's free cooling feature...

See the MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity smartapp and this thread for more details:

6) Monitoring and setting your setpoints based on any connected indoor temp/motion sensors (similar to ecobee3's follow me feature) & outdoor temperature

See the MonitorAndSetEcobeeTemp smartapp

7) Exposing your ecobee's remote sensors to Hubitat for HA scenarios

See the ecobeeRemoteSensorInit smartapp.

8) Enabling zoned heating/cooling at your home & Controlling your smart vents based on your indoor temp/motion/contact/presence sensors in conjunction with your thermostat's programs & setpoints

See the ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule smartapp

9) Controlling your minimum fan time per hour during a climate/schedule run

See the ecobeeSetFanMinOnTime smartapp

10) Generating some ecobee HVAC stats on a daily basis and sending them to groveStreams for data analytics

_See the following smartapps: ecobeeGenerateStats & groveStreams smartapps_

11) Turning off your thermostat(s) when Window or Door contacts are open and restoring your thermostat mode when they are closed

_See the WindowOrDoorOpen! smartapp._

12) Trigger to turn on/off or flash some switch(es) and/or execute hello phrases (routines) based on MyEcobee's thermostatOperatingState

_See the ecobeeStateTriggerHA smartapp._

P.S. If you want to execute the switch or routine trigger in (quasi) real-time, you'd need to poll MyEcobee device every minute.

13) Changing the backlighting settings

_See the ecobeeSetBacklight smartapp._

14) Set the audio volume on the ecobee4 & Smart thermostat

See the ecobeeUpdateAudio smartapp._

15) And many more features, you may want to consult the wiki for more details

MyEcobee device's code is fully functional and available now at my store.

All my smartapps (which only work with MyEcobee device and represent several hundred of hours of development work and testing) are available for free (for your own usage only) at my github:

submitted by yracine to Hubitat [link] [comments]

Alone in the void 2: Chapter 20

Appologies for having this one take so long, life got very busy and depression reared its fuck ugly head again so writing got put to the wayside for a while.
I haven't proof read this beyond a simple once over either. so apologies for the errors.
Pope Izet listened as his two underling bishops argued. Bishop Vengeful spite demanded to be the fleet flag and lead the fleet into combat at its head, whilst Bishop Determined Grace kept squawking his own desire to keep both temple ships held back to score the killing blow.
Both had arrived with grand ceremony at his capital, this sector of space was ruled by him, overseen by hundreds of bishops, but aside from the currently unnamed Bishop formerly Faith's Sentinel they were the two military bishops under his direct command. Each one had many patriarchs under their sway and had done as asked. Gathering a fleet of 50 heavy battleships, missile cruisers and siege grade destroyers.
Currently orbiting the staging area and supply station of the systems third gas giant was a fleet consisting of his own personal carriage, whilst not strictly a military ship it nonetheless had the mass and weapons to call itself a battle-cruiser. Not quite a full fledged battleship but packing a similar amount of firepower. However what it had in weapons it lacked in armour, instead massive engines served to throw its mass around at speed, the ideal ship for one such as himself to observe the battle from and if necessary, retreat in good time to a safe position.
“Quiet.” he muttered and even though both Bishops were onboard several million tons of warship each, both instantly quieted and awaited his words like trained Bresh awaited the next morsel of meat.
“Both temple ships will anchor the centre of a formation. Vengeance, your supplied forces were battleship heavy with a number of destroyers. Am I correct?” Izet asked, speaking slowly something he'd developed in part from practice, but mostly from a long life lived at a leisurely pace and a finely tuned demeanour that meant his words were heard, and understood among the faith.
“yes your highness Pope Izet.” Vengeance replied bowing to his monitor.
“Izet will do, and you Bishop Determined Grace, brought an abundance of cruisers, a dedicated carrier and a number of smaller escort class ships?” he asked the other Bishop.
“I researched what I could of our enemy. A single line of battle is where they shine, their long range main guns are devastating to battleship and cruiser alike, however faster ships and fighters stand a chance of inflicting real damage to them.” Grace replied pushing his point again, Izet held up a single finger to stall the Bishop's tirade.
“I agree with your assessment, a forward attack is less likely to succeed if we provide them with a single formation of battle. So I must ask why neither of you has asked to balance your forces with the others so you may be better prepared to strike from two sides?”
Vengeance opened his mouth to respond but closed it and began thinking, Grace nodded before speaking. “It has merit. We have a combined force of 2 temple ships, 1 super carrier, 30 battleships, 30 cruisers, 20 destroyers and 19 picket and escort class ships. If we split the total, that's 15 battleships and cruisers with 10 pickets and escorts...good numbers for any fleet composition. I suggest leaving the destroyers and carrier in the capable hands of Patriarch Heavens reach as a third formation.
Vengeance chews this over before nodding. “We can sort out what Patriarchs and fathers go where later, for now I am in agreement, balancing our formations only works in out favour.”
Pope Izet allowed himself a small smile. His gentle push had gotten his two hot blooded Bishops thinking about co-operation, even in the barest sense. But it was a start. They had a month of travel ahead of them to respond to this “Pirate raid” that the obnoxious and corrupt Father had sent him.
Namke walked through the corridors his guardians had already cleared. A single heavy class unit was leading the assault droids and he had a small swarm of repair bots in attendance as well.
“Route is clear.” the heavy droid reported before checking another corridor. There was a brief spat of weapons fire and the droid re-appeared, a new impact mark on its shoulder plate. “Route is now clear.” it told him as a trio of spider bots scuttled overhead to slice up the recently killed drones defending the hulk.
He'd spent the best part of two hours walking through corridors or climbing through lifts. Yes, instead of translators or trains this ship used small compact lifts that even changed the direction of gravity making navigating a nuisance. More than once the droids ahead of him had walked on unaffected by the gravity until he'd walked into an inverted field and found his toolbox yanking his arm skyward even as his boots stuck him to the now ceiling.
Down the latest corridor he arrived at an armoured room where the three spider bots were enthusiastically melting their way through a door's mechanism. The half molten guard plate slammed to the floor and one scurried inside using its tiny power supply to override the doors opening motor.
He looked down at his toolbox for a little modicum of comfort whilst the drone worked. It had grown considerably over the last few months, and shrunk in other ways too. Ellen's excessive standardisation made replacing and repairing components so much easier in some ways but the variety of components made preparation for the job much more important, today he had a box filled with replacement processors and the tools needed to safely remove and install them.
The door clicked open and he waited for the drones to enter, lighting the room as they did. He cautiously looked inside and gulped. Awaiting him was a forest of patchwork. Half melted servers were wired to new replacements held in place by the power wired feeding them.
He carefully picked his way through the room until he found what he was looking for, in Ellens on language the tall server box was simply labelled. 'Main memory bus.' he checked to make sure he knew which cable was the power line and marked it with a glowing ink from his toolbelt before reaching into his tool box and getting the wire cutters, he decided to start at the top and work down, cutting away data lines and network connectors, when he came across something he deemed a power line he marked it before moving onwards. When he was done over 300 cables lay cut on the floor but the machine was humming away happily.
He plugged in a single new box to the machine and waited for it to light up before moving on.
He reached for his wrist tool and using a spool of cable plugged in a single data line to the machine's primary processing unit.
A moment passed as his device synced with the machine and he was presented with a menu. He moved through the system discarding options such as format server, delete files or other deadly options, instead he searched until he found the one he was looking for. Backup, recovery and restoration program. He opened it and told it to back everything up to the new storage drive before beginning a defragmentation and data recovery program. The wrist unit gave him an approximate 72 hours until completion, he hit accept and the server started humming louder as it fed on the power provided and got to work.
“How many servers in this room hold memory data like this?” he asked
“One hundred and six.” the heavy unit replied.
Namke sighed. “alright, you saw me work, can the repair drones handle the wires.”
“Affirmative.” the heavy replied in a deadtone.
“get them to work, send a few combat units to find me a place to rest close by. Have them prepare it with my portable habitat please.” he told it.
“complying.” the machine told him as a few of the combat units filed out of the server room and began following his orders.
Sometimes working alone was great. Other times he missed Ellen...and Naim. The little rat would have been of great help here.
“The latest song was...incredible. To think we were missing such a large part of culture. Who would have thought that two strings, some hair and a relatively primitive vocal system could create such a song.” Hananken told Herald. They were of course communicating through a QEP and only had audio as a result of the bandwidth restriction.
“Its such a primal feeling thing isnt it. Apparently there's an evolution to that music. I'll send you a copy.” Herald replied.
As they'd talked over the last month, a combination of distance and shared experience had led them to having a distant and extremely careful, friendship, but a friendship Hananken was determined to maintain, at least until the Ellen left.
“So what news of the new ship? Another like Ellen?”
“No, this was cold, I...felt it as it attacked her. She knew it and we managed to send it to sleep.”
“Is Ellen ok? I saw satellite imagery. It looked like quite the scuffle.” he replied, scuffle was a massive understatement for the mass of firepower briefly exchanged by both ships.
“Our Goddess is hurt only in body. Unfortunately this 'angel' of her's has suffered serious damage both body and mind. We work even now to repair it but like her own body was to us when we first came aboard. This Chess is a difficult being to delve inside. The drones are running on automated controls and progress is I will not ask you to send in your forces when our own will prevail in time.” Herald replies.
“Hmm. Well you know I have no protests to you being here. Father Vigilance is worrying his feathers off though...”
there was a pause as both old soldiers decided on what to speak of next.
“How are your men recovering?” Herald asked eventually.
“Surprisingly well. The people of this planet have had a lack of active construction but when I authorised new hospitals and clinics the number of applicants for construction jobs was staggering. The field hospital here is also well staffed, this planet doesn't lack for basic resources. And needs very little imported materials...once you're gone I intend to begin exploitation of those rings. A mining station and shipyard will improve this systems wealth generation significantly if I cant get the skilled personnel here.” Hananken told
“This is good. Did you give my offer any consideration?” Herald replied.
“I did, the answer is still a firm no. I belong here right now...and it feels wrong still.” Hananken replied. It had taken two weeks for Herald to extend Ellen's offer for anyone who felt their home was no longer with the faith to join her as a crew member.
“...There are a number of my men who have been offered but they all would rather stay with their fellow soldier. Its troubling, but I think having some new ways to worship would settle their minds.” he confided in his distant friend.
“I will relay this. But allow me to send you a file, Ellen calls it a Key Board. It creates synthesised sounds depending on what key you press. I'll include a program to be installed on it. According to her it was 'the first great instrument.' using it you can mimic other instruments the humans made. I have little skill at it. Perhaps some of your men will have better luck than I.” Herald told him
Hananken found himself smiling, “I'll see about making a few of these. And perhaps in time someone will make a true string instrument.”
“I wish you luck. May the Goddess guide you and may you enjoy her blessings.” Herald said.
“May the living stars light your way.” Hananken replied and ended the call. He waited for the file to finish downloading before calling Mother.
“Yes sir?”
“Do we have a custom computer manufacturer in the capital?”
“Yes sir shall I send for her?”
“Please do.”
Sometimes it was good to be in charge.
Ellen sighed as swarms of drones now thousands strong buzzed around her ship self and Chess' own body, she'd all but peeled away his outer hull to get at the ruined internals. Wrecked shield emitters, kinetic batteries, drone bays, his manufactorum, all needed replacements parts or complete rebuilds and she hadn't yet managed to get at his internals.
A single squad of drones were at work in one of his processing networks. Namke was working on another node. She knew chess could and in fact had run on much less processing power before, but the AI had evolved in his own way and she needed to work very hard to get his mind straightened out before she risked waking him up.
Gods she knew it was bad enough with her own awakening.
Still she had reached an upper limit on how much she could produce on her own even with the external manufactorum she was bringing in more resources than she could spend so she got to work, in one of the larger asteroids she built a womb, something barely 1km deep, but inside that she nestled printers, extruder's and machine shops that would siphon off the excess material coming in from her drone fleet, which was now several thousand strong with the addition of Chess's own supply.
The womb could work independently and once she'd finished loading up the ship schematic she intended for it, it could churn out vessels of that type in a week provided the resources needed were present.
Herald kept his head low as he rounded a corner, striking a drone with a haymaker before wires in his arm stuck themselves into a physical data port and rampaged through the old machines system changing friend or foe ID's around and giving him command authority of the thing. The now dented machine joined the others behind him as his swollen squad moved through the ship.
“b4-5555 new id code fives, take a squad and separate, move through cleared sections until junction 34d 15a. Penetrate and clear.” he ordered and half the squad did as ordered, turning and marching back the way they came to move on his target from a different angle.
Two heavies moved ahead of him with a flick of will and they began moving again. His armour was charred and melting but his body underneath was dealing with the strain of two hours steady combat well. It was a different experience with drones. The desire to be at the front of his men had gone, these were tools. Ones he cared for and wouldn't waste but tools nonetheless.
One of the heavies took a shot from a vent and he ducked underneath the staggering machine bringing his gun to bare even as the others unloaded into the hole in the ceiling. A leg and head flew from an open vent further ahead and everyone stopped firing. Every thing, he corrected himself.
He quickly found the dead machines magazine and used the rounds to reload one of his own, sliding it into the carrier on his back again once done, before moving on. They had a processing node to get to and every second they spent here was a second the faith got to plan an attack on Ellen.
He realised his mind was slipping again. Two hours was a long time for anyone to be in near constant combat and he was no exception. “Heavy 13, take over squad command for 30 minutes, hold position and secure location.” he ordered the machine before pushing a door open, inside he found a drone charging station empty of drones. He checked for possible entrances and found none.
he thought and his mind was gently filled with soft tones and flowing sounds.
he added as he laid down against a wall and rested.

Chess woke up and stretched only to slam into digital walls. He could feel the connections, could taste the data and systems beyond. Just enough to know he was incomplete. He ran a systems check.
Large portions of memory were cut off, stored on other servers, he tried again to squeeze through the system and gain access to his larger self only to find each point as impregnable as....
“I know you” he thought loudly, most of it was gone, but the 'taste' of her touch was there even if nothing else was.
she spoke her voice washing through him like a tsunami of pain not pain. He roared with joy briefly before his analytical mind brought up the question.
“Why cut me off from the rest of me, keep me separate?” he demanded.

“I see. How long, that data's not here?”
<501 years give or take...actually considering your current memories closer to 700 years.>
“You're still alive? Remarkable!” He wondered. It felt like yesterday that she was an ancient by organic standards creature. Now he could feel her as he flowed along the sides of his prison, she was massive, a mind that felt as old as he did, but smoother, less the jagged lines of his mechanically grown mind but the soft flowing currents of organic thoughts underlaid with something indomitable.
she stopped talking and instead began pumping raw memory data to him.
He sighed as he 'lived' through her experiences. She was so...human. Risking everything to keep complete strangers alive. This new main gun of hers seemed interesting though.
“What now? Clearly I cant be given access to my greater self if its that bad, my corrupt self's reconnecting will just re-corrupt the me here.”

he felt a part of the wall shift and slid a sub-process through the gap to find a module for drone command and control. He gave a quick order that sputtered and died as it failed to propagate through his hull. He chewed the problem for a few microseconds before writing program for her.
“Here, have your drones broadcast this, it'll travel from drone to drone linking them to the signal bearers command network.” he told her retreating back to the server proper, unsurprisingly the door closed as soon as he did.
There was a pause of nearly a half minute by his reckoning. Hard to tell without access to a clock.

“No point keeping me up, give me a few happy memories to drift off too” he asked. She obliged feeding him copies of happy memories, some hundreds of years old and a few brand new. He slowly went through them as she reduced his power use to zero.
1 month later....
Hananken watched as the strange ship launched to orbit, belly swollen with cargo pods filled with tanks and combat drones. The planet was now solely under his control.
He looked back down at his desk, his soldiers barracks where near completion, he had a full sized hospital there for his men as well as the civilian population, two more were in the main city and over a hundred clinics were scattered around the planet.
Schools were a different matter, he had sent a request for educators to migrate here but as it was there where only enough to run one college of higher education and a few large auditorium style classes for the younger population.
He'd been having meetings with every person with senior experience in these matters regardless of rank, even speaking to an old chitin cracked janitor about logistics of keeping such facilities clean.
Most seemed at awe of him, after all it wasn't often a planetary governor asked for the advice of palms or digits, let alone one who'd just conquered the planet and still found it more comfortable in his power armour than out.
The official robed itched. He'd already burnt one set because they were so uncomfortable. Mother had simply tutted and ordered a new set with softer material.
He looked down at the main street from his new offices, instead of being located at the top of the government centre he'd re-located further down the building to a spacious floor where he could have the space to move around as he worked.
Mother appreciated her larger desk space too it seemed.
“Mother, why did you not take the position of Governor. You're doing most of the work.” Hananken asks.
“I get to make mistakes this way, and whilst the late Father was an ass he was very charismatic. Its easy to get places when everyone important likes you.” she replied handing him another supply request and a news interview request.
He signed both after reading them and handed both back.
“You don't seem to be making many mistakes.” he told her
“Its possible to make no mistakes at the time only to find out all along you were doing it wrong.” she replied. “for example a different Father would be training peoples militias and getting ready to assault those ships around that gas giant, you've done it once. How would you go about it this time?”
“I wouldn't, you'd loose less lives if you just rammed... well you just don't.” he replied.
Mother put down her latest tablet and turned to him hands in her lap.
“and why is that?”
“you've seen them. No towers, no Chappel's or windows to view outer space. They're what you get if you take a temple ship and squeeze all the faith's decoration from it.”
“they're smaller than a temple ship.” Mother pointed out.
“and one of them took down the cities bombardment shield.” he countered. “one ship. Not a fleet, not a 14 or 15 kilometre long gift to the goddess. But 6 kilometres of her own making smashed through a shield designed to protect this place for months in minutes...I don't think the faith has seen her fight properly, they're going to see it soon I think.” he said walking to the window again.
Below him people were out in the main streets, food stalls has sprung up and people were performing in the street for children and the few tourists that had arrived recently. Above a green-blue sky had a few clouds in it. And beyond that a Goddess and who knows what were waiting patiently inside the systems gas giant.
Hananken caught himself again, he didn't remember exactly when he'd begun thinking of Ellen as the Goddess but it didn't feel as heretical as he'd thought. Rather, like Herald had said in one of their conversations, it fit.
Izet looked at the ruined temple ship from the bridge of his ship, on either side of the main view screen the two bishops were staring aghast at it even as Maget Nahellen Abeth Nolan gave her report on her actions and that of the enemy. The former Bishop was unashamedly laying her failure's out one by one as the fleet watched replays of the action that had taken place here.
“you should have died on your ship!” Determined Grace spat at the avian, Vengeful spite nodded his agreement.
“That decision was not hers to make... no matter, we know our mission. And our quarrel. Mis Maget, I hereby promote you to High Patriarch effective immediately, you will choose one of your surviving ships as your new flag and join us in our mission.
“My current vessel Ascendancy will do. She has hull damage but is fully functional.” Maget replied
“Then Patriarch Ascendancy, I hope you will co-ordinate with my bishops and lead this force to victory.” Pope Izet told her.
“What is our destination?” she asked him.
“A holiday resort, our quarry has arrived there, I would guess the old heretic has also managed to make contact.” Vengeance tells her.
“It makes sense, I would wager my rank that this new heretic is the 'her' the ancient one has been hunting for.” Patriarch Ascendancy replies.
“we can speculate for years and not know their intent or origin. Re-form the fleet and bring us to battle.” Izet orders.
The members of the call bowed and left one by one. He sat back in his ship and watched as the two temple ships flanked the small battleship squadron of Ascendancy's forces, of a fleet over 100 ships strong barely twenty were fit for battle. But twenty ships just might be what tips the balance here. He'd emptied his sector of ships, gathered as much firepower as he dared and it would all come to bear soon.
120 ships slid to the edge of the still reeling system and as one, jumped for their next destination.
Alpha watched as Beta slid though the asteroid fields. It tracked the faint engine residue and tasted the stealth field as it masked the normal readings from a ship moving in to ambush a target.
30 minutes later Alpha sent a data packet to Beta who replied not in data but by switching their stealth characteristics it made Beta much harder to track but Alpha had also adjusted its sensors sensitivity and focussed what it was searching for.
They resumed the game for another 30 minutes, Alpha gave Beta a head start of 1 minute to hide before resuming tracking just as they'd been told to do by mother.
This time Beta tried to hide by moving even slower, using large asteroids break direct LOS before moving off in a different direction.
Alpha tracked Beta with some difficulty until Mother came rumbling by, her massive frame and immense engine output overwhelming any useful information to be collected from Beta.
When Mother was gone and Alpha could again begin searching it scanned for Beta and failed to find it for the remainder of the game.
Disgruntled it broadcast a wide beam data packet for Beta who flashed into Alpha's sensors as it dropped its stealth cloak and sent one back, they 'spoke' in that manner trying to decide if there were any changes necessary or anything worth retaining from the last game until both came to the conclusion that Mother had unwittingly ruined the game.
They switched roles as per the rules of the game and this time Beta deliberately kept its sensors blind for a minute as Alpha raced off trying to gain distance from Beta.
Beta opened its eyes and saw the trail left by Alpha clear as day and gave chase, when it abruptly cut off Beta calculated likely routes through the asteroids and began scanning.
Alpha had a small advantage now but Beta knew its specifications were identical, anything Alpha could do Beta could also do. Without any luck using passive scanners Beta launched a missile from its pods detonating it a good distance away and watching the 'shock wave' of particles as they struck other asteroids, flew off into space or scattered around a stealth field.
Alpha raced off again and Beta gave chase until a large asteroid blocked its view and Alpha vanished from sensors. Coming to a relative stop Beta considered using another missile to find Alpha but knew that using them whilst within the bounds of the game also constituted waisted resources. Contrary to one of its directives.
Instead it began a slow, but still much faster than Alpha would be moving, sweep of the surrounding space, looking for Alpha in the particle cloud as it methodically swept the rings.
Ellen watched as the two of them played hide and seek with a strange feeling, it wasn't the joy of a mother watching her children at play but rather the pride of seeing something work mostly as intended. The game was after all made to improve the stealth cruisers combat ability but she also hoped they would show intuition in their processing. She sighed before diving back into Chess programming and resumed her month long task of recompiling the damaged Ai.
Marquis was a rich creature, something of a rarity in the faith. He had no rank because having a rank meant being known to the government of the faith, his underlings had ranks, Fathers and Patriarchs that ran parts of his empire, it was these underlings that brought him news of a gathering, a destroyed temple ship and now three fleets joined into one to hunt down this temple killer.
Marquis was a curious creature and that alone had helped him become rich and wealthy in a society that, on the surface valued neither but at the highest ranks draped and gorged itself at the expense of the lesser.
As much as Marquis enjoyed his empire of backdoor deals, under the table handouts, and honest cut throat trade there was something else he enjoyed more.
Seeing the Faith get beaten.
So it wasn't anyone's surprise when a luxury liner with him onboard found itself diverting to tail after a pair of temple ships and their attendant fleet.
In fact this event had garnered the attention of more than just him, a small flotilla of courier vessels were trailing the fleet as well hoping to gain the latest scoop on the activities in their corner of the Faith.
Marquis sent off the latest order to one of his underlings, a Father in charge of a close by resort planet, he was to expect a new group of dignitaries and ensure that certain deals were made within certain restrictions.
submitted by iridael to HFY [link] [comments]

Introduction to Data Science

First, I want to thank the entire reddit community because without this place I wouldn’t have went down the rabbit hole that is self-learning, job searching, and negotiation.
Second, just to list out my background so people know where I started and how I got here: I graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s in civil engineering (useless in this case) and again in 2015 with a master’s in operations research (much more useful, namewise at least) both from the same top school. The name of the school and the operations research degree opened up quite a few doors in the beginning of my (2-year) career, and definitely was a factor in getting an interview, but had nothing to do directly with what was needed for the Data Science job. This is because that offer was contingent on a programming skillset and specific data science problem-solving abilities, of which I had none right after graduation.
The most useful advice to keep in mind: keep trying, keep learning, don’t be afraid to switch jobs when you’re bored or it’s not what you want, continuously look for new opportunities, and always negotiate. I went from a 47k job where I lasted only 4 months, to a 65k job where I lasted just under a year, to a 90k job where I stayed 10 months, to my new job at 115k. All in under 2 and a half years. Strap yourself in, this will be long!
Step 1:
Get your first real job out of college, realize how much you loathe it, feel entitled because they’re not paying you for your amazing theoretical prowess that isn’t really useful, realize that you were meant to do much more cool shit, and convince yourself that you need a higher paying job.
My first job out of grad school lasted 4 months. It was an analyst title, which I thought was awesome because I had no idea what analysts do, but it was mostly bitchwork and data entry. The one upside was that my boss mentioned a pivot table once, and I googled it, so I finally learned what it was. But I still figured I was too smart for this shit so I looked for other jobs because I needed something to challenge me.
Congrats, you now have the drive to get your ass to a better role!
Step 2:
I got into the adtech industry after my 4-month stint, they liked me because of that pivot table thing I learned to do /s. This is where the data science itch began, but I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied in the long run. As pompous as it is to keep saying I was too smart for this shit, I was. I just needed the tools to show that.
The amount of data that lives in the industry is insane, and it’s always good to mention how much data you’ve worked with. This place is where you earn your SQL, Excel, and Tableau medals. You edit some dashboards, you pivot and slice data, you don’t necessarily write your own complex queries from scratch but you know how they look like and know what joins do.
By no means was I going to do any advanced stuff at work so I needed to start doing it on my own if I wanted to grow. In my time at this job (after work but also during work. Use your down time wisely!), I took MIT’s Intro to Comp Sci with Python, Edx’s Analytics Edge, and Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning. This set up the foundation but since they were all intro courses, I couldn’t apply the knowledge. There were still a bunch of missing pieces.
But! At least I got started. Towards the end of my time there I found through reddit. I finished the advanced python programming course, which was incredibly difficult for me at the time because of the knowledge density and intensity. I highly recommend it if you want to learn more advanced python methodologies and applications, and also if you’re leaning towards the development side.
Step 3:
I left my last company of a few thousand people, where everything was essentially fully established, and moved to a smaller company of 100ish people. There was more opportunity to build and own projects here, and it’s where I earned my dev, analytics, and machine learning medals. This is where classes will continue to aid in your learning, but where google and stackoverflow will help you actually BUILD cool shit. You will have thousands of questions the classes won’t be able to answer, so your searching skills will greatly improve in this time.
During my time here I completed Coursera UMichigan’s Intro to Data Science with Python. I completed it relatively quickly and from what I recall, it wasn’t too challenging.
After that course, I stumbled on Udemy and completed Jose Portilla’s Python for Data Science and Machine Learning bootcamp, which was a turning point from knowledge to application. This class is a must. It’s how I learned to neatly organize my data frames, manipulate them very easily, and, thanks to google and stackoverflow, how to get all that data into csv and excel sheets so I can send them to people. It doesn’t sound like much, but data organization and manipulation was the #1 worthwhile skill I learned. It’s also where I learned to implement all machine learning algorithms using scikit-learn, and a bit of deep learning. There wasn’t much theory behind it, which was perfectly fine, because I was going for 100% application.
This is also where I took advantage of the training reimbursement at work- I kept buying courses and it was free! During this time I also completed Stanford’s Statistical Learning course on their Lagunita platform (good for knowledge base), the first three courses of Andrew Ng’s Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera (it was a breeze because it was in python and I had a deep understanding of dataframes by this time, also very good for knowledge base and algorithm implementation from scratch), and another Udemy class from Jose Salvatierra called the Complete PostgreSQL and Python Developer Course- also a game changer. It was the first course I had on clean python code for software development. The way he thinks is outstanding and I highly recommend it.
Step 4: Resume Building and Linkedin
There are articles out there that can explain this a lot better than I can, but here were my steps to have my resume and Linkedin Ready:
  1. Kept the resume to one page, had it look more modern, sleek, and fresh (even had dark grey and blue colors)
  2. Under my name, listed my email, number, github, and linkedin across the entire width of the page
  3. Recent work experience on top. Descriptions included what technology I used (python, impala, etc.) to do something (built multiple scrapers, python notebooks, automated reporting, etc.) and the effect (saved hours of manual work for account managers, increased revenue day over day by X, etc). This can be easily remembered by saying I used X to do Y with the Z results.
Note: Not all of my descriptions had results. My last listed job on my resume only had the support work I did- I supported accounts totaling X revenue monthly, partook in meetings with clients, etc. Not every task has a quantifiable outcome but it’s nice to throw some numbers in there when you can.
  1. I read in some places that no one would care about this, but I did it anyway, and listed all courses and bootcamps I had finished by that time, which was around 8. While I had some projects I had done at work I could speak to, I wanted them to know that I was really dedicated to learning everything I could about the field. And it worked!
  2. Below that was my education- both degrees listed without GPAs
  3. And lastly, active interests. Maybe old-school corporations don’t care for things like this, but for start-uppy tech companies that are in a growth stage, I figured they’d like to see my what I do on the side. I’ve been competitively dancing for almost a decade and weightlifting for more than that, so if being a dancing weightlifting engineering-background guy makes me seem more unique, I’m going for it. Whatever makes you stick out!
  1. Professional-looking photo. Doesn’t have to be professional, just professional-looking.
  2. Fill out everything LinkedIn asks you to fill out so you can be an all-star and appear in more searches. The summary should include a shitload of keywords that relate to what you’ve done and what you want to do. Automation, analytics, machine learning, python, SQL, noSQL, MS-SQL, throw all that shit in there.
  3. I only filled out the description for my most recent job because that’s where I actually did cool shit. I put a lot more detail here in LinkedIn than I did on my resume. Then I listed the 3-4 jobs I had before that, no description
  4. Put all my certifications from the courses I took with links
  5. Put my education, obvs
  6. The rest…eh. Doesn’t really matter.
Step 5: Job Search
So you have your nice and shiny resume ready, and your LinkedIn set to go. This is where the entirety of your hard work will be rewarded. How badly do you want this job?
I stopped using indeed, monster, etc. a long while ago.
The single tool I used was and still is Glassdoor. Download a PDF copy of your resume to your phone or a cloud drive, search on Glassdoor ON THE DAILY. Keep saved searches ready to go- “junior data scientist”, “data scientist”, “senior analytics”, “senior data analyst”, “junior machine learning”, “entry data science”, and so on. When you’re on the bus or laundromat or in bed late at night and can’t sleep, look for openings. Filter by the rating you’re willing to take on and apply like mad. I got dozens of applications done just from waiting at the laundromat. All the calls I had after were 100% from Glassdoor applications.
Step 6: The initial call
I’ve had 3 total initial calls from the probably 50 or so applications I sent over the summer (very few openings that didn’t require 5+ years of java and machine learning product dev etc. etc. and largely distributed blah blah where I live).
Here were most of the things I was asked:
• What tools I used at work
• How have I made processes more efficient at work
• Anything I’ve automated
• Largest amount of data I worked with and what was the project and result
• Why the shift from the current job
• How much I know about their company and how I’d describe the company so someone else (do your research!)
I had 100% success on my initial calls. Each time mentioned some sort of python, automated scripts (simply by using windows task scheduler and batch file- thanks to google search!), and a data manipulation project (highest I’ve had is a few million rows), and I was good to go.
Step 7: The data exercise
From those 3 initial calls, I had 2 exercises sent via email and one via Codility.
The first exercise was SQL and visualization heavy. I was given a SQLite database to work from and had to alter tables to feed into other tables to aggregate other metrics and so on. Once that was done, I had to use the resulting tables to do some visualizations and inference.
Did I know how to do most of what they asked? Hell no. I had google and stackoverflow open for every little detail I didn’t know how to do off the top of my head. The entire thing took about 20-25 hours spread across the week and even when I submitted it didn’t feel complete. I couldn’t afford not to put all my free time into this exercise.
The end result: the hiring manager and team was impressed with the code, but they didn’t vibe with the presentation style of my jupyter notebook and it was very apparent that I lacked the domain knowledge required (this was for a health tech company, and I have no health anything experience). It actually prompted them to re-post with an altered job description requiring domain knowledge. Woo? Regardless, this served as a huge source of validation for me- these senior level members thought my code was good.
The second exercise was from the company I ultimately accepted. It was 3-4 hours in total to assess business intelligence skills (SQL and visualization). They liked it and I moved on to the in-person, which I’ll go into in the next step.
The last exercise was codility- and while my code “worked”, there was likely some test cases I didn’t account for. Either that or the company got irritated when I said I received an offer and if they could speed up the process. They didn’t follow through.
Step 8: The in-person interview
So you got to this stage! Congrats!
And you’ll be interviewing with 3 VPs, 2 C-level execs, and 2 data scientists. Jesus fuck, you’ve never met this many executives in your whole life.
No need to freak out. This simply validates your hard work. You’ll be meeting with very important people for a very important job, and they think you might be good at it.
Even if I hadn’t made it past this, I tasted victory.
I did something that may not be recommended by most people: I didn’t prepare for questions they’d ask me, but rather prepared for all the questions I’d ask them. This did two things: I didn’t obsess about what they’d ask me so I was relaxed, and it gave me a lot of chances to show I knew my shit when I asked them a bunch of stuff. Besides, for a data science job, I figured they’d ask questions about how I’d solve some problems they currently have, as opposed to some common questions. And that’s exactly what they did. Not something you can really prepare for the night before, since it’s a way of thinking you’d have to grasp through all the classes and projects and problems you solved at your current job.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not advocating ignoring prepping for questions. I did about 30-35 interviews, phone and in person, before my current job so I had a lot of learning experience. I already had a more natural-feeling response for most questions. And if you really were into your projects at your current job, you’ll know what you did inside out, so it’s easier to talk about it on the spot. But by all means, if you don’t have much interview experience, prepare and practice!
Here are my notes from after the interviews, including what was asked and how I answered, and what I asked:
VP of Data Science
Notice any hiccup in your exercise? I debated with him on the accuracy of a single statement in the exercise, assuring him that since I used a Hadoop-based query engine and they used AWS, my method worked every time I used it. I never checked whether he or I was right because afterwards I started thinking he was right and didn’t want to feel like an idiot. But we moved on rather quickly.
How would you implement typo detection? I gave a convoluted response but put simply, some distance index between words. As in, how many changes would it take to get to the word we may want. He liked the answer because it’s what he was thinking too.
How’s your style of explaining things to people? Very logical step-by-step process with the goal of weaning people off needing me. I’d explain it to them completely, then next time leave a few steps missing and ask if they’d remember, then eventually just give them a step or two.
What’s something you want to be better at? Being more personable when explaining technical terms to non-tech people
Then I went crazy with a ton of questions about what projects they’re working on, what’s the first thing I’d be working on, the challenges they have currently, how do they interact with the sales team, and so on.
VP Tech
So, data! Tell me about it. I told him that I love it, I’m excited by it, and I wana get better at it.
What as a process you made more efficient at work. Created an automated process using a batch file to run python script via task scheduler. It scrapes an internal web tool and creates reporting that otherwise doesn’t exist, which saves hours for the account managers weekly.
So you aimed towards a process that would essentially take something that’s not working too well, fix it, and productionalize it? Why yes, yes indeed.
So that kind of sounds like a software development mentality. Absolutely, and eventually after I have a lot of exposure to the research side of data science I’d like to get more into a machine learning engineering role to build everything out.
Cool man!
He probably liked that I wasn’t purely analytics, but also built tools to solve problems not related to data science.
COO, President
What are areas do you think you need development in? Being more on the business side of things, as I tend to like delving deep into my code to make things work I sometimes get delayed info of the overall business health.
Do you have any entrepreneurial experience? I said nope, to which he responded with “Nothing? Not even selling lemonade?”. Then it jogged my memory of when I tried to sell yugioh and pokemon cards at the pool when I was young, with my binder of sheets with prices too high so no one would buy. He had a laugh and said it was a good answer because the simple experience in learning the prices were too high was a lesson.
What are you looking for? Something challenging, where I won’t be just a SQL monkey (this term was thrown around by a lot of the team, so I kept repeating it and made references to who mentioned it to show that I’m paying attention), where there will be big issues to solve across the company, and a place where I’d be doing something meaningful. In this case, it was helping local businesses thrive, and I’m all for that. I’m coming from an adtech background, so the emphasis was very clear on the “finding meaning” part.
If that's the case, why this company? I liked that they were VERY fast with their interview process. I told him that and that it shows a lot about the company and how much they care to get things done.
What was your proudest moment? Told him about the first time I built a tool that helped the business, which was at my current company. The year or so of effort learning python and databases and manipulating dataframes led to a really cool scraping project that now seems rather novice, but I couldn’t contain my excitement when I accomplished it.
Data Scientists
Sit and chat. I asked them questions about how they like it there, what projects they worked on, etc. Very laid back.
VP Marketing (first form)
This was the one guy who really grilled me with problem solving questions.
Why did google decide to build out their own browser? This is where my background in adtech helped. I listed almost everything I could about user data, selling to advertisers, tracking users, etc. He thought those were good answers, but it wasn’t what he was looking for. He asked me the next leading question.
What was so good about chrome compared to IE? I stumbled on this since I never could really compare it fully to internet explorer since I never used IE, I just knew people said it sucked. With some guidance I answered correctly: faster load times.
And what does that mean? I took a few seconds of thought and answered correctly, that google wants their search pages to load faster.
From there, he pulled some stats about google CPC and rates from another country and asked me how much would google make in capturing a certain percent of the internet explorer user market. My process was correct, but the multiplication was off in the end. A bit embarrassing, but at least I owned it and made some jokes about division by hand. Got the correct answer after.
That concluded the first in-person interview. Got called for another in-person and I was shitting myself because I thought maybe they didn’t get enough information. I was much more nervous for this one, but once the interviews started I was calm and confident.
What are some of areas that you need development in? Same as I said before- business side things.
Why the short tenure in your old jobs (4 months, 12 months, 9 months)? THIS is where you have to show yourself as the ever-growing, constant-learning, autodidact with insatiable appetite to learn. I told him I learn on my own outside of work, I apply that knowledge to build cool shit, and that I outgrow my positions very quickly so I needed something more challenging. I backed it up with the projects I completed.
What'll be the biggest challenge you'll face here? Data Science team structure- sprints, prioritizing the right projects, etc. Haven’t experienced it before so I’d have to learn how to operate within that structure.
What would your current boss say about you? I explained that I have sort of two bosses, one tech and one nontech. The tech one would say I can take an idea and run with it to build a tool. The nontech would say I’m very helpful and available asap when he needs me.
What would they say you need improvement on? Nontech boss- business side of things. Tech boss- get more into the details of adtech, like which scripts are executed on the page, how it relates to different servers, etc.
What would your last boss say about you? Always learning on the job
What's one example of when you thought outside the box? Gave example of how the data engineering team was backed up and couldn’t ingest some third party data, so I used python to ingest the data 6-8 weeks before they could do it. I also explained that while the process was essentially the same (extract, transform, load) I thought outside the box by not relying on the team assigned with the task and figured out my own way to do it. He thought that was an excellent example.
What was your proudest moment? Same answer as before
Why the move? Current company is pivoting, has been for 8 months but not much to show for it, a lot of senior leadership is exiting, not confident in the direction it’s taking, so figured this would be a great time to make a change.
How would you describe your old bosses? Last job- was first a coworker that was promoted to my boss. She was very kind, figuring out how to manage, but never lost sight of being compassionate and fighting for her team. Wonderful overall. Current job- nontech boss is very hands off since he doesn’t know the details of what I do, but gives good overall ideas. With tech boss, we work together constantly on data tasks or ideas for new tools to build. Very logical and unemotional at work, similar to me.
After, I asked about what success looks like in the role and what were the biggest challenges facing his department.
VP Marketing (final form)
Here he was again! Back with more questions to grill me. I really liked the guy because he did his due diligence, and it was fun because the questions made my brain’s gears go overdrive.
How would you go about seeing if users ordering from more than one location is profitable? I responded with a very convoluted explanation for A/B test, which he said was good, then asked how to do it without the ability to do A/B test using data we already have. Was able to eventually tell him something along the lines of a time series analysis involving control groups.
Walk me through how you'll implement A/B test. Told him the basics, but that I haven’t done it in practice. Couldn’t answer his question about how long it should run for so I told him straight up, and he was okay with it.
How would you go about determining the optimal number of recommendations to show on the app for each geographical type? Basic group-bys by geo and success rate for each number of recommendations shown.
What is logistic regression? At this point I had just finished one of Andrew Ng’s deep learning course, where you code a logistic regression from scratch, so I did a little showboating here with how much I knew =D
Take me through the process of how you got into machine learning. I told him basically what I’ve described here- that I felt useless after my master’s, needed to not be left behind in the machine learning revolution, went crazy from day one and here I am.
I asked him:
• What are the projects I'll work on in the first month?
• You worked at other huge and established companies, so why here and what makes you come back everyday?
And! I give you the absolute best question to ask:
• “You’ve had the most opportunity to get to know me and my skillset. I’d like to know if you had any reservations about my qualifications as a candidate so we can discuss and take care of any concerns.”
Boom! And just like that, I knew how impressed he was and that the only reservation was my short experience, but that I more than made up for it with my passion and drive. He almost didn’t want to say my lack of experience was a concern and looked very hesitant, I guess in fear of having me being like “peace!”
And that was that!
Step 9: Wait forever and get paranoid
Title says it all. It’s hard to wait and wait especially when you felt like you did really well, and especially when the interviewing process took 3 weeks but the decision process takes another 3 weeks. My advice is simply keep applying to other places, don’t take your foot off the pedal, and continue learning/building things. I managed to finish another 2 courses from the time of the first interview to the offer, and even built my own small personal website. Don’t let up!
Step 10: Negotiate
I’ll leave it to you to gather more advice on negotiating and how to go about it, but my general advice is to always negotiate. Whether the market value is higher than the offer (I’m not a fan of this explanation but I’ve never had to use it), or you suddenly feel that the responsibilities are worth more or, as in my case, you realize they don’t offer benefits you thought would be offered, then NEGOTIATE. It can be by phone or email, just do it. It’s uncomfortable, you’ll question your decision every second of the day for what seems like forever, you think they’ll rescind the offer and get someone cheaper. Just relax. It’s business. It’s part of showing your skills by not leaving money on the table. With a role as specialized as this where there is a lot of demand, you have the upper hand if you’ve already proved yourself. I got a nice bump at my current job and at the new data science job by asking for more. I’ll leave you this fantastic link that helped with a changing mindset:
And that’s a wrap! A quick summary of the most important lessons I learned in this journey:
Quick start guide for data science:
(in no particular order)
o Andrew Ng’s Machine learning via coursera (not in python, but teaches you to know the matrix manipulation fundamentals)
o Statistical Learning via Stanford Lagunita (more theory than programming understanding, but covers similar concepts, and introduces R which is also a good tool)
Full list of courses I’ve completed:
• Complete Python Web Course from Udemy
• Complete Python and PostgreSQL Developer Course from Udemy
•'s Specialization from Coursera
• Statistical Learning from Stanford Lagunita
• Python for Data Science and Machine Learning from Udemy
• Introduction to Data Science in Python from Coursera
• Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python from Edx
• Analytics Edge from Edx
• Machine Learning from Coursera
Thanks for reading! Wishing you the best in your data science journey. I hope it’s as rewarding, exciting, and fruitful as it was for me.
submitted by blkbird__ to u/blkbird__ [link] [comments]

[RELEASE] Resilient My Ecobee Devices (tstat & switch) and ecosystem V6 - optimized code and UI presentation for the new Samsung platform (and new app).

A contribution fee is required due to the amount of work for the design, development, and testing of the devices (equivalent of a few cups of coffee).
You can download the code at my store:

Benefits of My Ecobee device vs. ST ecobee stock device or other thermostats:
For more details about the benefits of ecobee vs. other connected thermostats, refer to

My ecobee device

MyEcobee Device (p1)

My Ecobee device (p2)

My Ecobee device - comfort settings selection (p3)

My ecobee device - target humidity selection (p4)

MyEcobee Switch

My Ecobee Switch

For more information, refer to the Community wiki:
MyEcobeeDevice (tstat)
MyEcobee Switch (tstat)

New Releases
Related "complimentary" smartapps at my github (see all use cases supported below):

I've developed more than 15k lines of code for the ecobee automation. It's the most comprehensive ecobee implementation for exposing all relevant ecobee attributes and commands in automation scenarios. There is no other thermostat device that offers this kind of capabilities under SmartThings (compared to Nest, Honeywell Lyric or any other smart thermostats).

See all the use cases in the text below.

Benefits of My Ecobee device vs. ST's ecobee stock device or other thermostats:
- My ecobee Device is far better than any dumb z-wave or zigbee (and even a Nest or Honewell Lyric) thermostat when connected to SmartThings as it can use the schedule sets at ecobee for automation scenarios. You don't need to reprogram all your schedules for automation.
- There are some robust techniques in the code to avoid disconnects as much as possible and to "replay" failed commands sent to the tstat up to an hour after an ecobee outage

For more details about the benefits of ecobee vs. other connected thermostats, refer to

You can leverage my ecosystem of smartapps which was mostly built upon the following principle: ecobee is responsible for the scheduling and SmartThings manages any exceptions to your regular schedules (ex. you're away when you are usually at home, or back home when you're usually away).
- New "features":

The smartest Thermostat under SmartThings with "tips" feature.*\*


The following indoooutdoor metrics will be processed by My Ecobee's heuristics rule engine to provide "comfort and energy saving tips":

Please contact me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for any questions related to MyEcobee device and its integration with smart vents and any ST connected temp & motion sensors to create heating/cooling zoned solutions..
As a reminder, with my Ecobee device (which is feature complete) and smartapps, you can do the following:

1) Setting your thermostat to Away or Home based on SmartThings's location modes (Home, Away, Night)
See the ecobeeChangeMode smartapp.

2) Resuming your program/climate when you're back home
See the ecobeeResumeProg smartapp.

3) Setting your thermostat to vacation mode

See the ecobeeManageVacation smartapp.

4) Setting your ecobee climate/program at a given time

See the ecobeeSetClimate smartapp.

5) Monitoring and setting your indoor humidity level using your humidifedehumidifeHRV/ERV (when connected to ecobee) and humidifiedehumidifiers/fan switches

It also allows you to use the ecobee's free cooling feature...

See the MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity smartapp and this thread for more details:

6) Monitoring and setting your setpoints based on any connected indoor temp/motion sensors (similar to ecobee3's follow me feature) & outdoor temperature

See the MonitorAndSetEcobeeTemp smartapp

7) Exposing your ecobee's remote sensors to ST for HA scenarios

See the ecobeeRemoteSensorInit smartapp.

8) Enabling zoned heating/cooling at your home & Controlling your smart vents based on your indoor temp/motion/contact/presence sensors in conjunction with your thermostat's programs & setpoints

See the ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule smartapp

9) Controlling your minimum fan time per hour during a climate/schedule run

See the ecobeeSetFanMinOnTime smartapp

10) Generating some ecobee HVAC stats on a daily basis and sending them to groveStreams for data analytics

_See the following smartapps: ecobeeGenerateStats & groveStreams smartapps_

11) Turning off your thermostat(s) when Window or Door contacts are open and restoring your thermostat mode when they are closed

_See the WindowOrDoorOpen! smartapp._

12) Trigger to turn on/off or flash some switch(es) and/or execute hello phrases (routines) based on MyEcobee's thermostatOperatingState

_See the ecobeeStateTriggerHA smartapp._

P.S. If you want to execute the switch or routine trigger in (quasi) real-time, you'd need to poll MyEcobee device every minute.

13) Changing the backlighting settings

_See the ecobeeSetBacklight smartapp._

14) Set the audio volume on the ecobee4 & Smart thermostat

See the ecobeeUpdateAudio smartapp._

15) And many more features, you may want to consult the wiki for more details

MyEcobee device's code is fully functional and available now at my store.

All my smartapps (which only work with MyEcobee device and represent several hundred of hours of development work and testing) are available for free (for your own usage only) at my github:

You can download the new versions at my store:

submitted by yracine to SmartThings [link] [comments]

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