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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Nov. 10, 1997

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
PREVIOUS YEARS ARCHIVE: 199119921993199419951996
1-6-1997 1-13-1997 1-20-1997 1-27-1997
2-3-1997 2-10-1997 2-17-1997 2-24-1997
3-3-1997 3-10-1997 3-17-1997 3-24-1997
3-31-1997 4-7-1997 4-14-1997 4-21-1997
4-28-1997 5-5-1997 5-12-1997 5-19-1997
5-26-1997 6-2-1997 6-9-1997 6-16-1997
6-23-1997 6-30-1997 7-7-1997 7-14-1997
7-21-1997 7-28-1997 8-4-1997 8-11-1997
8-18-1997 8-25-1997 9-1-1997 9-8-1997
9-15-1997 9-22-1997 9-29-1997 10-6-1997
10-13-1997 10-20-1997 10-27-1997 11-3-1997
  • Bret Hart officially gave notice to WWF this week that he's leaving and has agreed to a 2-year deal with WCW. Hart has reportedly been unhappy with WWF's new, more crude direction and that, more than money, is reportedly why he chose to leave, but of course, money played a big part also. But Hart is reportedly so embarrassed by the current WWF direction that he doesn't even let his children watch the show and of course has been upset at having to deal with Shawn Michaels. Both Hart and WWF tried to keep the story under wraps until after Survivor Series but that's impossible these days. Once the story leaked, WWF released a statement admitting that they were giving Hart the opportunity to explore other options. On Nitro, Eric Bischoff teased that he would have a big announcement next week, which would be Hart coming to join the NWO (which would probably be turned into a storyline with him deciding if he's with WCW or NWO). For now, Bret is scheduled to work all his WWF booked events through the end of November and then one final PPV show in December. Hart and Bischoff have reportedly been negotiating for about 6 weeks, and very few people knew. They met in person 3 weeks ago and at that point, they were pretty sure Bret was coming to WCW but he didn't make the final decision until this weekend. During his WWF negotiations last year, Hart got Vince to agree to a clause in his 20-year contract that allows him to quit with 30 days notice and another clause that gives him creative control over his character during those final 30 days.
  • All that is known about Hart's WCW deal is that it's similar to the contract he turned down last year, although slightly less money because Hart insisted on working fewer dates (around 125-140 per year) due to a bad knee that never really healed last year and a wrist injury that he's long needed surgery on. It also has the same deals with Hart getting movie roles for Turner. Bret will likely be used to help prop up the new Thursday TBS show as well as help WCW grow in Canada. Dave recaps the last year, saying Bret quickly became unhappy in WWF after signing his new deal, and pretty much came up with his own angle for the double-turn with Steve Austin and with forming the Hart Foundation. He also has well-known heat with Shawn Michaels dating back to last year but got much more heated this year with Shawn's "Sunny days" comment followed by a legit backstage fight that led to Shawn walking out of the company. Neither man was punished for the fight and in fact, WWF basically begged Shawn to return. Eventually they agreed to co-exist and leave personal lives and families out of their promos, but Shawn then did an interview talking about Stu Hart. Shawn later apologized for that one, saying he got carried away in a promo. Shawn has been on a self-destructive path the last year and his immaturity and antics on TV are seemingly encouraged by Vince McMahon, which upset Bret. And the final straw appears to be Vince deciding that Bret will drop the title to Shawn at Survivor Series.
  • There's been speculation that Vince McMahon actually wants Bret to leave because he doesn't want to honor the 20-year contract that Bret has because he has buyer's remorse. McMahon fought hard to keep Bret from WCW last year and many think he was only thinking in the short-term when he made the deal. Long-term, it's a very expensive contract that doesn't make good economic sense for WWF which has led to people questioning whether or not Vince is actively trying to push Bret to leave. Asking him to drop the title to Shawn was sure to upset him and Vince knew it. Dave says no one knows exactly what will happen in Montreal at the PPV. Most people will expect Bret to drop the title, but they may try to swerve fans and do it at another time. But either way, Bret will have to drop the belt sometime very soon. As for guys like Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith, they're both locked into 5 year contracts and it doesn't look like any of this will affect their status with the company.
  • And on a final note, just a few days ago, Bret Hart wrote a column in the Calgary Sun paper which is designed as a "letter" to Shawn Michaels that was meant to seem like a shoot in order to promote the Survivor Series match. But knowing what we know now, it takes on a whole new meaning (I'm sure Bret meant every word of this):
"Shawn Michaels, you are a disgrace to professional wrestling. It amazes me that there was a time I actually thought you'd be the guy who could come up behind me and carry the ball when my time comes to retire. Now when you're behind me, I have to make sure I don't bend over. I am a second generation wrestler. Like a lot of second generation wrestlers, I've paid my dues. The way you are degrading the business makes me sick and breaks my heart. That's not what Heartbreak Kid was supposed to mean. I told you, and Vince told you, to leave our families out of this. So you got on RAW and said that my father is dead. This time you're so far over the line that there's no coming back. Every so often, after you shoot off your mouth, you come to me backstage with a lame apology and a limp handshake. "Oh Bret, my mouth always gets me in trouble when I get goin' out there. You know I didn't mean nothin' by it."
Don't bother this time, I'm not buying it. I would not embarrass my father--who is not only very much alive but is still tougher today at 83 and more of a man than you will ever be--as you have embarrassed your father with your degenerate behavior. How humiliating for your poor mother to have to explain your lewd gestures to her friends. You don't respect anybody, do you? What does Jose Lothario think of how you've made pornography out of what he taught you? Shawn Michaels, you are nothing more than a whore for this business.
You called me a paper champion because it bothers you that my contract is worth more than you and the whole Degeneration X put together. You said I wrestle because I need the money, but you wrestle because this business needs you. You are a festering cancerous tumor in this business. After Wrestlemania XII, I went home for a while to give you the chance to become "the man" because as long as I'm around you'll never be "the man." You were so bad at being "the man" that the WWF and WCW had the biggest bidding war in wrestling history to get me to come back. You'd have the World championship belt. But you don't. What do you have, besides a big mouth and a bad attitude?
Shawn Michaels, you said that beating the Undertaker makes you an icon. Not taking anything away from 'Taker, but you weren't the first guy to beat him, you just did it too late. You said you're the only icon that can still go, not like the fossils. You're so beat up from taking completely overdone bumps like a Mexican jumping bean that you can't even work a full schedule like the older guys. You only wrestle about once a month and you're proud of that? Then people who think they know more about this business than they actually do, write about what a hard worker you are. Anyone can work hard once a month. You've barebacked your way to main event matches and they give you the best guys in the business to make you look good.
So you and your boyfriend, Hunter, think I'm too old. Hunter said he's bigger than me in more ways than one, and then you pointed at Hunter's crotch and said he could put an eye out with that thing. Thanks for admitting that you know what Hunter has in his pants. So how come I have four kids and all you two have is each other? I'm not the one shooting blanks. By the way, you both looked very comfortable eating bananas together on Raw. Lots of parents tell me they won't let their kids watch the shows anymore because of you and they don't watch either because you're such an asshole. People are shutting the show off because of you! It took so long to make wrestling into family entertainment. Thanks for setting the business back 50 years! You are the one who is confusing expansion and destruction, not me. You, Shawn, are the destruction of this business. You make me sick. You said you're the best sports entertainer in the world. Don't even think about saying you're a wrestler. What I do is an art form and what you do is...what do you do, anyway, cause it's not pro wrestling anymore?
You called the WWF world championship a "tin title" but you're only saying that because you don't have the belt. When you did have it, you treated it like garbage and then threw it away! So now you want to try to win the title at Survivor Series? You'd better reconsider that because when I get my hands on you it's going to make the beating I gave you in the locker room last June look like a warm up. After that little scuffle, you went running to Vince, complaining that the work conditions in the WWF are unsafe. The only thing unsafe about the working conditions in the WWF is you, Shawn. You've gotten in the ring so "pilled up" lately that you can't even talk straight on TV. You'd better shake the cob webs free before you get in the ring with me at SS. This business has been my mistress for my whole life and I love her. You are raping her and taking her dignity away. Don't count on my reputation for professionalism saving your ass at SS. You're the one who threw the rule book out the window. The 17 stitches you got at Hell in the Cell are nothing compared to what's coming at Misery in Montreal."
  • Ric Flair has also agreed to re-sign with WCW which is a win for them because WWF was very interested and Flair had strongly considered it for awhile. But he'll be staying with WCW.
  • The official cause of death for Brian Pillman has been released and the verdict is heart attack due to natural causes. Reportedly, after a month of tests, the coroner was stumped for a cause of the heart attack, although his heart did show an unusual amount of damage for someone his age. It could be hereditary or due to outside factors such as cocaine or steroids, both of which it's no secret that Pillman had used and abused during his career. Toxicology results didn't show any drugs in amounts that could have killed him. He had painkillers in his system but not at dangerous levels. No steroids or illegal drugs were found in his system, nor any alcohol. He had blood pressure medication in his system, which he didn't have a prescription for but again not at a dangerous amount. On a WCW internet radio show a couple of weeks ago, Gene Okerlund claimed to have an inside scoop with sources with the police in MN that cocaine was the cause of death, which got rumors going. But when toxicology showed no cocaine in his system, this naturally led to a ton of heat on Okerlund and upset a lot of people.
  • Gorilla Monsoon's condition improved over the weekend but he's still hospitalized and listed in serious condition. Monsoon was on a respirator and receiving kidney dialysis for most of the last week. Doctors are hoping to perform a bypass surgery on his heart soon, but it no longer looks as though he needs a transplant for now. Monsoon had been a top heel back in the day and was part owner of Capital Sports (parent company of the old WWWF) before selling his share of the company to Vince McMahon Jr. in 1982. Ever since then, he's remained with the company as an announcer, figurehead authority figure, and backstage office roles as well as giving time cues at TV tapings from the other side of the curtain.
  • NJPW "only" drew around 40,000 to their latest stadium show in the Fukuoka Dome, which is the smallest crowd ever for a NJPW stadium show. The number disappointed many, and it seems to be a reality check about the long-term future of NJPW, which has been the most successful promotion in the world for the last few years, but is starting to see the peak fading. Right now, they're being carried by the final retirement shows of Riki Choshu which are doing big business, but after he retires on Jan. 4th, NJPW doesn't really have anything exciting on the horizon for 1998, which has some in the company worried.
  • Two incidents with fans at wrestling shows made news this week and led to near riots. The first was at a Promo Azteca show in Tijuana. A bunch of wrestlers were in the ring having a big post-match brawl. Among them were Rey Misterio Jr., Psicosis, Konnan, and others when a fan hit the ring and did a dropkick on Misterio. Then another fan ran in and hit Mistero with a chair, but Misterio got the chair away from the fan. At this point, fans in the crowd all started throwing chairs at the ring and, sensing a riot about to break out, others in the crowd panicked and began running. All in all, it was a scary situation but nobody was hurt. For what it's worth, WCW doesn't want Misterio wrestling in Mexico anymore because they don't want him to get hurt, especially at a non-WCW show.
  • The other incident took place in (where else?)....ECW at a show in Plymouth, PA. This situation was different. According to several witnesses, a small group of fans showed up, all big tough looking guys, and they were there looking for trouble right from the beginning. They were harassing the wrestlers all night from the front row and during the first match, security came and told them to stop leaning over the rails and stop spitting at wrestlers, but the security guard was shouted down by the group. Why they weren't removed then and there, no one knows. The ECW wrestlers mostly tried to avoid wrestling near them. But then Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, John Kronus and (who else?) New Jack came to the ring for a match. And then trouble began. When Balls Mahoney got too close, 2 of the fans started punching him. Mahoney turned around and started throwing wild punches back and then the ECW locker room emptied as everyone ran out to join the brawl. "Reports are the Dudleys were going through the crowd like buzzsaws" and it took nearly 20 minutes to bring order back to the show. After it was over, several hundred fans were outside the building trying to escape the near-riot. Several fans were injured, although none seriously. 40 police officers, some in riot gear, and even a police dog showed up to the scene. The story made all the local news outlets. Balls Mahoney and New Jack were brought to the police station for questioning. The 2 fans who threw the initial punches were arrested and charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and harassment. New Jack surprisingly didn't do much during the fight because as soon as it started to break out, Paul Heyman ran out and pulled New Jack away from it because given the Mass Transit legal situation, Heyman didn't want him getting into more legal trouble that could reflect on the company.
  • Speaking of fans getting involved, WWF ran an angle on Raw with a "fan" getting into the ring who then started doing martial arts and kicking people's asses. He is former Stampede wrestler Steve Blackman and he's expected to officially debut in his first match at Survivor Series, replacing The Patriot on Team USA.
WATCH: Steve Blackman's WWF debut
  • Dave reviews a recent FMW show and says the show-stealer was Masato Tanaka vs. The Gladiator (Mike Awesome) and says usually they're both decent workers at best but they really clicked in this match. (Indeed they did. Those 2 had the best chemistry together and they went on to have legendary matches against each other in ECW and even revived the feud years later at the first WWECW One Night Stand PPV). Anyway, this FMW match even has their famous powerbomb-outside-the-ring spot at about the 18 minute mark.
WATCH: Masato Tanaka vs. The Gladiator (FMW)
  • The Dallas Sportatorium got a new lease on life after reports came out that it would be torn down. Enough die-hard wrestling fans who still attend the occasional indie show there made enough noise that they extended the lease on the building and it won't be torn down for now.
  • USWA is dead, but Jerry Lawler had a contract to run weekly shows at a casino in Mississippi, so he's continuing to run indie shows there each week so as to not to violate the contract. In Louisville, Ian Rotten's IWA is trying to take over the TV deal and arena dates that USWA had. And Bert Prentice's Music City Wrestling is trying to take over the Memphis and Nashville deals and they'll be running their first show in Memphis next week on the usual USWA date at the same building.
  • A few weeks ago, Billy Jack Haynes emerged from hiding (reportedly because he had some bad gambling debts and was kinda on the run) and tried to make amends with people he had screwed over. He admitted having a gambling problem but said it was all behind him now. He borrowed some money from a few people to get his life back in order.....but has instead disappeared again after borrowing the money.
  • The rap group Insane Clown Posse will be wrestling at a show called Stranglemania Live in Detroit next month. The show will also feature a women's thumbtack death match. (The video below is part one. Part 2, 3, 4, etc. should start automatically after you finish the previous one).
WATCH: Stranglemania Live 1997 - Pt. 1
  • ECW held a show in Stamford, CT on Halloween that sounds like it was a lot of fun. A lot of current ECW stars who used to work in WWF used their old WWF gimmicks since it was Halloween. Al Snow came out as Avatar, Justin Credible worked as Aldo Montoya, Jerry Lynn worked as Mr. J.L., Shane Douglas did his Dean Douglas gimmick and Chris Candido came out as Skip. Also on the show, Rob Van Dam dressed as Sabu. The BWO guys (Blue Meanie and Super Nova) wrestled as Big Daddy Fool and the Heartburn Kid, coming out to Shawn Michaels' music. Finally, Tommy Dreamer won a flag match and proclaimed Stamford as ECW country (no free video anywhere but apparently you can pay to watch it here on Highspots).
LINK: ECW Halloween Hell 97
  • Tickets for Sting vs. Hogan at Starrcade go on sale this week and it's almost certainly going to break every record in WCW history. The Halloween Havoc show last month did a big PPV buyrate also. Dave says a lot of people have talked about how terrible the Hogan/Piper "age in the cage" match was, and they're right, it was awful. But the job of the top stars is to sell tickets and when it comes to that, Hogan is still #1 in WCW, no matter how bad the match was. Even Hogan's new movie Assault on Devil's Island did a 4.2 rating, making it one of the most-watch made-for-TV movies ever on cable and they may be turning the movie into an ongoing TV series.
  • Dave thinks the political situation in WCW will be interesting in 1998. All of the top stars (Hogan, Sting, Flair, Piper, Savage, Hall, Nash, and soon, Bret Hart) will be under the same roof and all of them have or will have some measure of creative control in their contracts which is sure to lead to some problems. With WWF losing Bret Hart, that frees up a lot of money so don't be surprised to see some of those guys maybe looking to go back to WWF if things get too crowded at the top.
  • Raven cut a promo on Nitro and mentioned sitting next to a girl named Trisa Hayes in elementary school. That's an inside reference because Trisa Hayes is actually the real name of ECW's Beulah McGillicutty.
  • Perry Saturn won the TV title on Nitro, and because his knee is still not fully healed, he wrestled a totally different style, sorta similar to Taz with lots of suplexes and submissions. Taz got wind of this and was reportedly upset that Saturn was stealing his gimmick but Dave says they're different enough that he wouldn't really consider it the same.
  • WCW Injury Report: Bill Goldberg has a pulled groin and will miss a few shows. Syxx had an MRI on his neck and the results weren't good, as he had more damage than originally thought. He'll be out for awhile, no word how long. DDP had blood in his urine recently but didn't miss any matches. Marcus Bagwell will be out for a few weeks after having the meniscus in his knee removed. And even Kimberly Page knocked heads with another Nitro girl during a mistimed routine and was banged up.
  • Southern California indie wrestler Christopher Daniels is expected to get a WCW tryout soon.
  • WCW filed a lawsuit against WWF over them using the name Canadian Stampede for its PPV back in July because they claimed it was too similar to WCW's Spring Stampede PPV name. The case was settled out of court, but not for money. Part of the agreement is WWF wouldn't use the name Canadian Stampede in the future.
  • DDP raised about $1,000 for Brian Pillman's family through internet donations.
  • Steve Austin has been working 8-man tag matches on house shows and doing very little in the ring. Doctors are still giving him bad diagnosis but its hard for someone to stop and give up their career when they're at their peak like Austin is now (we're not even close to Austin's peak yet).
  • Doctors have told The Patriot he should retire due to his tricep tear because it seems to be a chronic problem. He's expected to get surgery and if he decides to return, it'll be in 3-6 months (he didn't return).
TOMORROW: The Montreal Screwjob.
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Dec. 2, 1996

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
PREVIOUS YEARS ARCHIVE: 19911992199319941995
1-2-1996 1-6-1996 1-15-1996 1-22-1996
1-29-1996 2-5-1996 2-12-1996 2-19-1996
2-26-1996 3-4-1996 3-11-1996 3-18-1996
3-25-1996 4-2-1996 4-8-1996 4-15-1996
4-22-1996 4-29-1996 5-6-1996 5-13-1996
5-20-1996 5-27-1996 6-3-1996 6-10-1996
6-17-1996 6-24-1996 7-1-1996 7-8-1996
7-15-1996 7-22-1996 7-29-1996 8-5-1996
8-14-1996 8-19-1996 8-26-1996 9-2-1996
9-9-1996 9-16-1996 9-23-1996 9-30-1996
10-7-1996 10-14-1996 10-21-1996 10-28-1996
11-4-1996 11-11-1996 11-18-1996 11-25-1996
  • WWF held a press conference in San Antonio to announce that the Royal Rumble next month will be held at the 72,000-seat Alamodome. The news actually got bigger coverage in Mexico than in the U.S. It will be the WWF's most ambitious live show since Wrestlemania 8 in 1992. The company hopes they can fill up the arena with hometown hero Shawn Michaels trying to regain the title and the final appearance of Jose Lothario, who was a big draw in San Antonio in the 70s. They also have gotten local sponsorships with San Antonio-area businesses and with Taco Bells throughout Texas and are selling low-priced tickets. The plan is for Sid to retain the title against Bret Hart at the next PPV (due to Shawn Michaels interference) which will leave Hart frustrated at Shawn. Then Shawn wins the belt at Rumble to build to Bret/Shawn at Wrestlemania 13. As for Sid, after just winning the title 4 days ago, he no-showed the big Rumble announcement press conference, claiming he'd overslept. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and AAA's Pierroth Jr. all spoke at the event.
WATCH: Royal Rumble press conference highlights
  • It was confirmed that AAA stars will take part in the Rumble show. The relationship is just a trial basis for now and there are no plans for them to work together beyond Rumble. It's also believed that WWF stars will work a big AAA show in Mexico City later in 1997. The news wasn't lost on Eric Bischoff, who immediately began trying to sign all the Mexican wrestlers to WCW contracts (they've been working in WCW without them). AAA president Antonio Pena has openly said that all of the stars who left from AAA to jump to Promo Azteca are still under contract to him and that he would go to court to enforce it if necessary. So Bischoff is worried about all these new WCW names like Rey Mysterio Jr., Psicosis, Juventud, etc. showing up at the Royal Rumble. Konnan claims that all those guys had at one point been under contract to AAA but he claims AAA doesn't exist anymore as a business, only as a name, which is technically true. During all the business turmoil in recent months, Antonio Pena closed AAA as a company and opened a new corporation called PAP, which is the parent company of AAA (sorta like how Titan Sports is the parent company of WWF). Konnan's argument is that the contracts were voided when AAA closed as a corporation.
  • In one of the most shocking angles in history, EMLL star El Hijo del Santo turned heel this week. Santo is the son of the famous El Santo, arguably the most popular wrestler who's ever lived and had been a babyface his entire career. The angle had incredible heat (from what I'm reading elsewhere, the crowd nearly rioted).
  • WCW's World War 3 PPV is in the books and the 3-ring battle royal was once again basically unwatchable horse shit (Dave says it a little more elegantly, but that's the sentiment). But it was a legit sellout. Ultimo Dragon vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. stole the show in one of the best matches of the year in the U.S. The NWO/Roddy Piper contract signing angle where they attacked his surgically repaired hip was well-done. "Too bad they have to wrestle a match," Dave adds.
  • Antonio Inoki held a press conference announcing that he had received challenges from Dory Funk, Tiger Jeet Singh, and Willie Williams. It is believed Inoki will face Williams at the Jan. 4th Tokyo Dome show. Williams and Inoki had a famous martial arts match back in 1979 and Williams has made a career off the fame of that match. Inoki is then expected to face Dory Funk Jr. at some point later in 1997.
  • UWFI in Japan held what may be one of its final shows. They have 2 more shows scheduled before the end of the year and beyond that, the future is questionable (yup. Dec. 27th was their final show before closing up shop forever. We'll get there.)
  • Jerry Lawler made news in Mississippi this week, after testifying under oath that wrestling is entertainment. He was testifying before the gaming commission there, in order to get a promoters license to run shows in some of the casinos. Lawler said wrestling was "as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny." On USWA TV later in the week, Lawler explained it to the fans by saying he had to lie and say that under oath in order to get the license and not pay an $8,000 fee. Then he said he still believes Santa and the Easter Bunny are real and brought out 2 Hooters girls dressed in Santa and Bunny costumes. He then started shooting on the Memphis newspaper that reported it (The Commercial Appeal), saying that they weren't a real newspaper ("Fake news!") and held up a copy of the USA Today and said this is a real newspaper.
  • A strange incident took place at an ECW show this week involving a 17-year-old named Eric Kulas, who was put in the ring with The Gangstas and New Jack apparently used an Xacto knife to blade him. Kulas, who never had much formal training, moved as he was being cut and it sliced an artery and he began bleeding like a faucet. Kulas was using the name Mass Transit and was subbing for Axl Rotton who no-showed. Kulas needed 50 stitches to close the wound. The show was delayed for a long time after the incident because several people, including Kulas' father, were freaking out. His father was screaming about suing the promotion and wanted to press charges. After the incident, New Jack got on the mic and said something about hoping the guy would bleed to death. It took them 25 minutes to clean all the blood out of the ring (this is all Dave has for now, but bet your ass this becomes a bigger story).
  • They did an angle in ECW where Shane Douglas attacked and "injured" J.T. Smith. It's actually Smith's last weekend with the company and he has moved from Philadelphia to Virginia so this was how they wrote him out (yup, he pretty much retired after this).
  • At an IWF show put on by Killer Kowalski, a woman named Joanie Lee had a match facing a masked wrestler named Rain Drop, who was actually a male wrestler under a mask and was convincing enough that people thought he was a woman. (Joanie Lee is, of course, Chyna. First time I've ever seen her mentioned in here and it appears this was only her 4th match ever. Far as I can tell, she didn't wrestle again until 1998, when she was in WWF).
  • On Nitro, Chris Benoit and Nancy Sullivan cut a promo on Kevin Sullivan, with Nancy telling Kevin that it's over between them. Benoit has never been great on the mic, but this was the best he's ever come across as far as personality. Dave then adds, "Benoit and Nancy had really good charisma together."
  • Dave says Eric Bischoff's new heel gimmick is based on the character Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street. Umm...sure, let's go with that, why not.
  • Gene Okerlund is back doing the WCW 900 hotline. Dave says that since the "sleazemaster" was gone, hotline business had dropped significantly, so they brought him back.
  • The Giant has a cameo in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Jingle All The Way."
WATCH: The Giant in Jingle All The Way
  • Dave notes that WWF is trying to get Steve Austin over as a babyface while still keeping him heel. Basically doing the lone wolf gimmick with him where he just doesn't like anybody. (it worked out okay).
  • The latest on the Curt Hennig situation is this: Hennig was contemplating taking a huge lump sum from his Lloyd's of London insurance policy (anywhere between $150,000 to $300,000 depending on who you believe). But in order to get the money, Hennig would have to sign a letter saying that he was permanently disabled and would never wrestle again. During this time, Hennig was doing the angle where he would manage Hunter Hearst Helmsley and there had been talks of him returning to the ring. WWF apparently believed Hennig was going to resume wrestling, so their legal department sent a letter to Lloyd's of London to try to reach a settlement regarding the deal. This led to Lloyd's deciding not to pay Hennig the lump sum payment because they were under the impression that he intended to wrestle again. When Hennig found out he was, as you'd expect, absolutely furious. So he contacted Eric Bischoff with plans to go there and no-showed his WWF TV tapings. Later on in the week, Hennig and McMahon talked things out and McMahon offered Hennig a 5-year guaranteed deal worth $300,000 per year and Hennig verbally agreed to it. At this point, McMahon believed everything was all good, since the deal would pay Hennig far more than he would have made from the insurance payout. But Eric Bischoff apparently counter-offered with a 3-year deal for even more money, so Hennig decided to take WCW's offer, without informing McMahon, and no-showed the Hall of Fame, Survivor Series, and Superstars tapings. WWF now claims that Hennig has breached his contract by no-showing. Hennig's WWF contract expires in May and they are threatening to take the whole thing to court if Hennig shows up in WCW before then.
  • The latest on WWF's planned Shotgun Saturday Night show is for it to debut on Jan. 4th. The details are being kept secret for now, including the venue and and TV deal details, because there's fear that WCW will somehow try to sabotage it if word gets out before they're ready. They want to host the event in various New York City nightclubs and last week, Vince McMahon, Bruce Prichard, and ECW's Paul Heyman went out together to scout various clubs and to try to make deals to run shows for them. Heyman is not an official consultant for the show, but Dave wouldn't be surprised if he ends up having some sort of involvement in it. It's interesting because this will be WWF's first weekly live show (remember, Raw is still taped in advance most weeks) and McMahon has criticized WCW in the past for spending so much money to run live shows weekly. And now he's doing the same thing. On top of the weekly costs of going live, WWF will also be paying for syndication for the show to run in other markets throughout the country. And considering it's scheduled to air at midnight, there's no way it will draw big ratings and they won't be able to make as much money selling advertising. And furthermore, Saturday nights have always been the best night for house show business and now they'll have to pull big stars from the house show tours to work the Saturday night TV shows, so that will cost them money also. Overall, Dave just doesn't seem to get why Vince is doing this, since it looks like it might end up costing them more money than it's worth.
  • Early Survivor Series buyrate estimates look hugely disappointing, especially considering it was Bret Hart's first match back and was heavily promoted because of that.
  • WWF road agent Arnold Skaaland collapsed backstage at Survivor Series, apparently due to low blood sugar but was back at work a few days later.
  • Former SMW tag team The Headbangers debuted at the latest Superstar tapings and looked pretty good. Flash Funk (Too Cold Scorpio) also debuted on the show and looked awesome, both in the ring and with his entrance and gimmick.
  • They're doing an angle with Rocky Maivia where all the heel managers are trying to get him but he turns them all down. Dave says there's no doubt Maivia has potential, but he's still very green and fans tend to rebel when companies shove a green babyface down their throats rather than let them get over naturally and it's starting to look like WWF is planning to shove this Maivia kid rather than let him get over slowly.
  • Leif Cassidy (Al Snow) has changed his look and dropped his geeky persona, on his own (wasn't told to by the company) because his contract is due up soon and he realized he's going nowhere in the company. So with nothing to lose, he's changing things to try and get noticed.
TOMORROW: 24-hour wrestling channel launches in Japan, more on Mass Transit incident, Eric Bischoff trashes Vince McMahon in interview, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

DOGEhio + SHIBEissippi River Adventure - Day 55 - EPIC waves, LEGENDARY wind, Football miracle

The Mississippi river is a pure BEAST.
Woke up on a beach 10 miles from Memphis. I don't speak of it much but I am doing this/ have done this adventure without ever using a tent, or ever buying a hotel. Yummmm mother nature.
OK woke up on a beach, tentless, in the middle of a sandstorm. WINDYYYYY day. Found a baseball washed up on shore called a "quest" it measures your throwing speed on the ball itself when you throw it. Yoda and I found some logs and played baseball for an hour or so.
Once we hit the river - no bueno. . .
The wind became 1000x as strong. Somehow, while on the river the wind is blowing directly at you no matter what direction your boat is facing. The exceptionally strong current going the opposite direction of the wind caused the biggest waves we have seen thus far. At multiple times the boat was near verticle. It is truly a miracle we didn't flip. The canoe was filled with water up to my calves. For FOUR hours we paddled.... The headwind was so strong we only made it SIX miles.
Finally, the wind settled and we began making better time. 25 miles when it was all said and done.
Magically, while paddling the final mile in the middle of nowhere, a skyscraper appeared. I checked the map and realized it was a casino! This meant I was going to be able to watch the Cincinnati Bengals beat the Patriots in primetime! Ha we are losing 0-14 right now but no worries.
I seriously feel like I am inside the Truman show sometimes. The casino we ended at is the most elaborate palace in the most unpopulated river stretch yet.
Well back to the Bengals game for me
Cheers to you if life feels like a video game too.
River Shibe 222
submitted by Khimera222 to dogecoin [link] [comments]

SHIBEssippi River Adventure - Post Index

A chronicle of the travels of Khimera222
What this adventure is all about (youtube 2:49)
News Interview with WAVE 3 (youtube 1:12)
Fan Trailer (youtube 2:19)
Documentary Preview - Part 1 (youtube 24:31)
Dogecoin Advocate Travels.. (Coindesk.com)
Facebook Page
Dogecoin Television Commercial Campaign 1,000,000 Doge prize for the winning 30 second commercial.
Rockethub fundraiser for air time
Part One, The Dogehio River Adventure - Post Index
Part Two, The SHIBEssippi River Adventure Posts:
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Marc's Blog
riverdog27 (aka Yoda) the mystery river Shibe who joined Khimera's adventure on day 11 has a blog with loads of great pics.
Here is his side of the story- http://adventureoddo.blogspot.com/
submitted by artfully_doges to dogecoin [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 3rd - Tue, Aug 9th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Aug 3rd

  • The 44th Annual Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition & Sale (Western Heritage Museum) Day 1 of 2 ** The 44th Annual Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition & Sale **
    Open to the Public with Museum admission. Be the first to experience more than 300 new Western paintings and sculpture by the finest contemporary Western artists in the nation when the doors open an hour early on June 10, 9:00 a.m. The National Cowboy & Western…
  • Acrylic paintings by Linda Hiller (50 Penn Art Gallery) Day 1 of 2 *Acrylic paintings by Linda Hiller, *through August 31st. 50 Penn
    Art Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an opening
    reception at 6 p.m. Friday (July 8th) 848-5567.
  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • "Brushstroke Dreams" exhibit by Brad Price (The Depot - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Brad Price Fills Depot Gallery with “Brushstroke Dreams”
    NORMAN... The bold brushstrokes and bright colors in expressionist paintings by local artist Brad Price will fill The Depot Gallery with “Brushstroke Dreams” from July 8 through August 29, 2016. An opening reception will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Friday Art Walk…
  • Camille Harp and Lauryn Hardiman (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Del City Kiwanis Club (Rose State College - Midwest City)
  • Dodgers vs Express (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the Oklahoma City Dodgers take on the…
  • Drawing in the Prix de West Galleries (Western Heritage Museum) Day 1 of 2 June 10
    “Drawing in the *Prix de West *Galleries” art students with a valid student ID are invited to draw in the galleries, June 10 – August 7, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. For more information: Nationalcowboymuseum.org, (405) 478-2250.
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • Family Play Time/ La hora de jugar en familia (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 10:30am Join us for a bilingual family play program for babies and children under 5 years of age. ¡Aprendan y jueguen todos juntos! Para bebés y niños hasta 5 años de edad con las personas que los cuidan.
  • Ferry Fun Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 11:30am With four river landings, it's easy travel the Oklahoma River. Learn more about each of the landings and where they're located.
    The ferry transit schedule varies throughout the season.
    *** Purchase your tickets onboard**
    **Trip times in black are 1 hr 40 min round trip*
    *** Theme Cruises are on all evening service departures the last…
  • 🎨 Guerrilla Art Park (Oklahoma Contemporary) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 11:00am Artists: Apply to be part of our first installment of Guerrilla Art Park - an outdoor sculpture exhibition near our Showroom on the site of our future arts campus. We are accepting submissions now through the month of May, and planning to install in June - it's going to be a lightning-fast operation, but we are excited to activate the…
  • 🎨 A Hiding Place (Artspace At Untitled) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 10:00am Poetry Reading Begins at 6:30pm
    This exhibit is a dialog beginning with a poet’s voice and then calling forth an artist’s remix, and response. You are invited to this collaborative exhibition in hopes you, too, will discover something hidden, and now made communal in the open light. A Hiding Place can be a rest stop or a generator shop, a…
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • Influence & Brown Bag: Instagram 101 (The Barn: Networking + Lunch n’ Learn) Start Time: 11:30am
  • 🍴 Little Chefs Learn to Serve (Edmond Mobile Meals - Edmond) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm Registration is now open for Edmond Mobile Meal's children's cooking program. The program runs in 3 sessions in June, July & August. East 2-class session costs $80 and includes all kitchen supplies and groceries. Students receive a chef hat, apron & cookbook to keep. The Little Chef's program is for children 9-11 years old with a maximum class…
  • Music Together Classes by Gracenote Family Music (Tealridge Retirement Community - Edmond) Start Time: 10:45am Early childhood Music Together classes are internationally recognized for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners and the adults who love them. The classes are created from a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adults involvement. This Mixed-Age Class is…
  • Nature Camp (Will Rogers Exhibition Center) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 7:30am Nature Camp
    Go WILD this summer with the Oklahoma City Parks & Recreation Department's Nature Camp. Two distinct camp environments provide hands-on fun in nature, gardening and fishing. Campers can sign up for one week at each location for maximum nature fun!
    August 1-5 Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    Will Rogers Gardens Learn plant…
  • 🎓 Our City, Our Collection (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 10:00am In celebration of the many extraordinary acquisitions that have made the Oklahoma City Museum of Art the premiere collecting institution in central Oklahoma, the exhibition Our City, Our Collection: Building the Museum’s Lasting Legacy tells the story of the Museum’s history as a series of transformative gifts, bequests and…
  • Private River Cruise Charters (Oklahoma River Cruises) Start Time: 10:00am Oklahoma River Cruises is the venue for your next meeting or special event. Your guests will be treated to impeccable service and amazing views of Oklahoma City. *If you would like an estimate for your upcoming event please submit a Charter Inquiry Form . *We encourage you to check date availability as often as you need to, but to reserve a…
  • The Rajun Cajun John Morgan (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Aug 6th
  • Sign the medical Marijuana Petition (NW Expressway and Meridian - Warr Acres) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 7:00am Oklahomans for Health is a non-profit organization running an initiative petition to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma. Sign the petition today! Go to ok4health.org to learn more!
  • 🍴 SONIC SUMMER MOVIES: Raiders of the Lost Ark (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 8:00pm A much-loved summer tradition is back thanks to our sponsor Sonic Drive-In ! Join us each Wednesday on the Great Lawn for movies, activities, food and lots of fun. Thanks to SONIC these movies are completely FREE. Come early to get a great seat. Bring a picnic or enjoy a hamburger and fries from the Ice House, hot dog from J’s Ice Cube or…
  • 🎨 Summer Wheat: Everything Under the Sun (Oklahoma Contemporary) Thru Fri, Aug 5th Start Time: 9:00am Step into another world where Summer Wheat explores an extensive portrayal of what she imagines to be behind the wall in Vermeer’s historical painting, *The Milk Maid. *Wheat will create an immersive, site-specific experience which includes painting, sculpting, architecture, and installation. The exhibit and artist-in-residency will serve as…

Thursday, Aug 4th

  • The 44th Annual Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition & Sale (Western Heritage Museum) Day 2 of 2 ** The 44th Annual Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition & Sale **
    Open to the Public with Museum admission. Be the first to experience more than 300 new Western paintings and sculpture by the finest contemporary Western artists in the nation when the doors open an hour early on June 10, 9:00 a.m. The National Cowboy & Western…
  • Acrylic paintings by Linda Hiller (50 Penn Art Gallery) Day 2 of 2 *Acrylic paintings by Linda Hiller, *through August 31st. 50 Penn
    Art Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an opening
    reception at 6 p.m. Friday (July 8th) 848-5567.
  • "Brushstroke Dreams" exhibit by Brad Price (The Depot - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Brad Price Fills Depot Gallery with “Brushstroke Dreams”
    NORMAN... The bold brushstrokes and bright colors in expressionist paintings by local artist Brad Price will fill The Depot Gallery with “Brushstroke Dreams” from July 8 through August 29, 2016. An opening reception will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Friday Art Walk…
  • Carrie Underwood: The Storyteller Tour (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Start Time: 10:00am Seven-time Grammy winner and ACM Female Vocalist of the Year nominee Carrie Underwood has just announced The Storyteller Tour- Stories in the Round will extend through the fall including a stop in Oklahoma City at Chesapeake Energy Arena on Nov. 23. The in-the-round arena tour launched to rave reviews in January and has already played sold out…
  • Connor Hicks Band (Wormy Dog Saloon)
  • Country Music Group Therapy (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🎓 Dancing in the Gardens Dance Lesson: Tango! (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 6:30pm Dancing in the Gardens Lessonns: Tango Thursday, August 4, 6:30-7:30pm South Lobby of the Crystal Bridge Must be 13 and older Members $10/Nonmembers $15 Join the stars of 3Sixty Dance Studio for a small group dance lesson in preparation for Dancing in the Gardens. This one hour lesson will give participants one-on-one instruction and break down…
  • Dodgers vs Express (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the Oklahoma City Dodgers take on the…
  • Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Drawing in the Prix de West Galleries (Western Heritage Museum) Day 2 of 2 June 10
    “Drawing in the *Prix de West *Galleries” art students with a valid student ID are invited to draw in the galleries, June 10 – August 7, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. For more information: Nationalcowboymuseum.org, (405) 478-2250.
  • 🍴 Drink and Draw (Okay See) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays: Tree & Leaf
    Drink & Draw is open to anyone that wants to attend. While consuming alcohol is welcome, it…
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • Faith Night with Finding Favour (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Start Time: 5:00pm The OKC Dodgers and Finding Favour are thrilled to share with you the new date and time for Faith Night at Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark – THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 at 5:00 p.m. – prior to the Dodgers 7:05 p.m. game that evening. Finding Favour will take the stage for a full hour starting at 5:30 p.m. and local Christian performer CedEnough will…
  • Ferry Fun Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) 1 day left Start Time: 11:30am With four river landings, it's easy travel the Oklahoma River. Learn more about each of the landings and where they're located.
    The ferry transit schedule varies throughout the season.
    *** Purchase your tickets onboard**
    **Trip times in black are 1 hr 40 min round trip*
    *** Theme Cruises are on all evening service departures the last…
  • 🍴 First Thursdays--Evening at the Museum (Edmond Historical Society - Edmond) Start Time: 5:00pm Looking for a way to unwind before the weekend? Come spend an Evening at the Museum on Thursday, August 4th! We will be open 10 am to 8 pm. Grab dinner at a great local restaurant and then stop by to see our newest exhibit "Edmond People, Edmond Politics!" As always, admission will be free!
  • 🎨 Guerrilla Art Park (Oklahoma Contemporary) 1 day left Start Time: 11:00am Artists: Apply to be part of our first installment of Guerrilla Art Park - an outdoor sculpture exhibition near our Showroom on the site of our future arts campus. We are accepting submissions now through the month of May, and planning to install in June - it's going to be a lightning-fast operation, but we are excited to activate the…
  • 🎨 A Hiding Place (Artspace At Untitled) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Poetry Reading Begins at 6:30pm
    This exhibit is a dialog beginning with a poet’s voice and then calling forth an artist’s remix, and response. You are invited to this collaborative exhibition in hopes you, too, will discover something hidden, and now made communal in the open light. A Hiding Place can be a rest stop or a generator shop, a…
  • Hillsong United with Lauren Daigle (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Start Time: 10:00am Australian-based worship group Hillsong UNITED is adding a string of spring and summer dates to their North American EMPIRES Tour. The new shows will feature special guest Lauren Daigle. Following a February capacity-crowd tour run, the second leg of cities kicks off April 28 with stops across the country throughout April, May and July. The tour…
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • 😂 Kurt Braunohler - ACM (ACM @ UCO) Start Time: 8:00pm THIS IS A SEATED, GENERAL ADMISSION SHOW (NO RESERVED SEATING) Presented by OKC Comedy. Kurt Braunohler was featured in Variety's annual prestigious "10 Comics To Watch" list, named in Time Out New York's list of 50 Funniest New Yorkers and Backstage Magazine's "5 Comics To Watch," "Comic to Watch" by Comedy Central, the New York Comedy…
  • Kurt Braunohler - Presented by: Black Mesa Brewing Co. (ACM@UCO Performance Lab) Start Time: 8:00pm From Comedy Central, IFC, and Conan!
    with Alex Sanchez & Madison Allen
  • 🍴 Little Chefs Learn to Serve (Edmond Mobile Meals - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm Registration is now open for Edmond Mobile Meal's children's cooking program. The program runs in 3 sessions in June, July & August. East 2-class session costs $80 and includes all kitchen supplies and groceries. Students receive a chef hat, apron & cookbook to keep. The Little Chef's program is for children 9-11 years old with a maximum class…
  • National Housing Trust Fund Input Session National Housing Trust Fund Con Plan Input Session Agency: Housing Finance Agency, Oklahoma - OHFA Contact Phone
  • Nature Camp (Will Rogers Exhibition Center) 1 day left Start Time: 7:30am Nature Camp
    Go WILD this summer with the Oklahoma City Parks & Recreation Department's Nature Camp. Two distinct camp environments provide hands-on fun in nature, gardening and fishing. Campers can sign up for one week at each location for maximum nature fun!
    August 1-5 Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    Will Rogers Gardens Learn plant…
  • 🎓 Our City, Our Collection (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am In celebration of the many extraordinary acquisitions that have made the Oklahoma City Museum of Art the premiere collecting institution in central Oklahoma, the exhibition Our City, Our Collection: Building the Museum’s Lasting Legacy tells the story of the Museum’s history as a series of transformative gifts, bequests and…
  • The Rajun Cajun John Morgan (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Aug 6th
  • Sex Snobs / Shut Up Matt Jewett / Masterhand (Blue Note) Start Time: 9:00pm DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS AMAZING SHOW! ok+ OF SOME BADASS MEATY MUSIC!
  • Sign the medical Marijuana Petition (NW Expressway and Meridian - Warr Acres) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00am Oklahomans for Health is a non-profit organization running an initiative petition to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma. Sign the petition today! Go to ok4health.org to learn more!
  • Smarty Pants Trivia Night (Oklahoma History Center) Start Time: 7:00pm Don't miss Smarty Pants Trivia Night 2016 at the Oklahoma History Center! Another year of great trivia, food and spirits makes this one of Oklahoma City’s favorite events. Together we are stronger; together we can end MS forever.
  • Sooners Baseball vs Sooner Sports Experience (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Start Time: 5:30pm New hands-on event that will allow fans to interact with OU coaches and student-athletes.
  • 🎨 Summer Wheat: Everything Under the Sun (Oklahoma Contemporary) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Step into another world where Summer Wheat explores an extensive portrayal of what she imagines to be behind the wall in Vermeer’s historical painting, *The Milk Maid. *Wheat will create an immersive, site-specific experience which includes painting, sculpting, architecture, and installation. The exhibit and artist-in-residency will serve as…
  • Sunset River Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) Start Time: 7:30pm Departs Exchange Landing | Last 3 Fridays (June – September) | $35/person
    Relax and recharge on the deck in the fresh Oklahoma breeze or inside the climate-controlled cabin while on an hour and a half sunset cruise enjoying music, appetizers and soda. Cruise times vary by season. A cash bar is available on board.
    Space is limited and…
  • Team Karaoke Challenge (O'Connell's Irish Pub & Grille - Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm Get a few friends together for Fun Food and Beverages every Thursday Night at 9pm. Wes presents Team Trivia at O'Connell's. His questions are all over the board...come challenge yourself.
  • Zumba in the Gardens Begins! (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 5:45pm Pavilion or Terrace Room depending on weather $5 members, $10 nonmembers No pre-registration required Thursdays through September 20
    Zumba is a Latin-inspired cardio-dance workout that uses music and choreographed steps to form a fitness party atmosphere. While many of the types of dance and music featured in the program are Latin American…

Friday, Aug 5th

  • 🎨 13, The Musical (ArtWorks Academy of Performing Arts - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm ArtWorks Academy Presents 13, The Musical Friday, August 5 at 7:00 pm Saturday, August 6 at 7:00 pm Performances will be held at Randall University (formerly Hillsdale College) in Moore, OK, which is located at 3701 S. Frontage Rd. This production will be most enjoyed by those 13 and older. Tickets are $10 and reserved seating. PLEASE NOTE:…
  • Amelie's Anomalies Trunk Show! (Dig It) Start Time: 6:00pm Come check out the newest oddities, jewelry, wall decor and more from one of our fave designers here at Dig It . Amelie's Anomalies is about to hit the road for the last of her summer shows and she is giving you the chance to see her newest line of products before she heads out. These are all new goodies that haven't made it to the public…
  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sat, Aug 13th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in…
  • CODY JINKS & WHITEY MORGAN (Diamond Ballroom) Diamond Ballroom 8001 S. Eastern Ave. Oklahoma City, OK Tickets On Sale FRI 5/20 at 10am Buy For Less locations in OKC Brady Box Office or Starship Records in Tulsa Charge by phone @ 866.977.6849 online @ protix.com GA Tickets: $25 in advance 4 Pack GA Tickets: $80 (Limited Quantity VIP Tickets: $125 Doors open at 6pm All Ages Welcome
  • 🎭 Dancing in the Gardens featuring Tango Dancing! (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Dodgers vs Express (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience America's favorite pastime in downtown Oklahoma City as the Oklahoma City Dodgers take on the…
  • Evening Ferry River Cruises June - September (Oklahoma River Cruises) Start Time: 11:30am Departs from Regatta, Bricktown & Exchange Landings see Ferry Schedule for Evening Departure Times | Fridays & Saturdays
    Join us for a full cash bar and complimentary snack mix on board one of our beautiful 65’ cruisers for the price of our Public Ferry service. All ages are welcome, but please consider this is an adult environment cruise and…
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • Ferry Fun Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am With four river landings, it's easy travel the Oklahoma River. Learn more about each of the landings and where they're located.
    The ferry transit schedule varies throughout the season.
    *** Purchase your tickets onboard**
    **Trip times in black are 1 hr 40 min round trip*
    *** Theme Cruises are on all evening service departures the last…
  • Yukon FFA IPRA Rodeo (Yukon Round-Up Club Arena - Yukon) Day 1 of 2 If you love rodeos and feel like having a fun, exciting time, head to Yukon for the Yukon FFA IPRA-sanctioned rodeo held…
  • 🎨 First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District) The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night…
  • FOL Book Sale (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 4:00pm
  • 🎨 Guerrilla Art Park (Oklahoma Contemporary) Last Day Start Time: 11:00am Artists: Apply to be part of our first installment of Guerrilla Art Park - an outdoor sculpture exhibition near our Showroom on the site of our future arts campus. We are accepting submissions now through the month of May, and planning to install in June - it's going to be a lightning-fast operation, but we are excited to activate the…
  • 🎨 A Hiding Place (Artspace At Untitled) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Poetry Reading Begins at 6:30pm
    This exhibit is a dialog beginning with a poet’s voice and then calling forth an artist’s remix, and response. You are invited to this collaborative exhibition in hopes you, too, will discover something hidden, and now made communal in the open light. A Hiding Place can be a rest stop or a generator shop, a…
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • Megafauna et al. (Opolis - Norman)
  • Nature Camp (Will Rogers Exhibition Center) Last Day Start Time: 7:30am Nature Camp
    Go WILD this summer with the Oklahoma City Parks & Recreation Department's Nature Camp. Two distinct camp environments provide hands-on fun in nature, gardening and fishing. Campers can sign up for one week at each location for maximum nature fun!
    August 1-5 Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    Will Rogers Gardens Learn plant…
  • Tuttle Open Rodeo & Parade (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Day 1 of 2 Join the citizens of Tuttle for a weekend of rodeo thrills and excitement. Events will include bronc riding, bull…
  • 🎓 Our City, Our Collection (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am In celebration of the many extraordinary acquisitions that have made the Oklahoma City Museum of Art the premiere collecting institution in central Oklahoma, the exhibition Our City, Our Collection: Building the Museum’s Lasting Legacy tells the story of the Museum’s history as a series of transformative gifts, bequests and…
  • Paul Cauthen (Wormy Dog Saloon)
  • 🎨 Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Start Time: 6:30pm Following the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark in the summer of 1981, three eleven-year-old boys from Mississippi set out to make a faithful, shot-by-shot remake of the Steven Spielberg adventure classic. Over the course of the next seven years, and with unbelievable ingenuity and daring, the trio managed to shoot every scene but one—the…
  • The Rajun Cajun John Morgan (Loony Bin Comedy Club) 1 day left
  • Tuttle Rodeo (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Day 1 of 2 Join the citizens of Tuttle for two evenings of rodeo thrills and excitement. This family-friendly event will include…
  • Scott Stapp (Legends Pub House - Chickasha)
  • Sign the medical Marijuana Petition (NW Expressway and Meridian - Warr Acres) Last Day Start Time: 7:00am Oklahomans for Health is a non-profit organization running an initiative petition to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma. Sign the petition today! Go to ok4health.org to learn more!
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Saturday, Aug 6th

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Sunday, Aug 7th

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Monday, Aug 8th

Tuesday, Aug 9th

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  • Wheeler Criterium Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each…
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[Table] IAmA Person on day 44 of Paddling the entire Mississippi River

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Date: 2012-05-29
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Questions Answers
How do avoid the larger river traffic (barges, ships, etc..) that might not be looking out for something as small as a kayak? Any close encounters? The barges stay in their marked channel well and are not a huge problem. I was in a few large pools this last weekend when everybody took out their motor boats. A bunch of drunks in speedboats are scarier to me. I had a guy Sunday come within a few feet of me. I almost threw my paddle at him.
When I was passing through Burlington Iowa 2 boats collided a few miles down from where I was camping. 4 people died and I have been much more cautious since then.
I had a barge sneak up on me from behind near the Wisconsin, Illinois border. I about pooped my self when it blew it's horn at me. Stupid Iowa NPR had a segment called "steamboat stories" that had that sound every time it started and would send shivers up my spine.
Not that I'd be pulling rank with a barge, but don't you technically have the right of way being that you have no motor? At least sail boats always have the right of way. Barges stay in their channel that is well marked by bouys. I might have the right of way but that means nothing if they can't see me.
Simple question- Why are you doing this? Also, any pics to share? Generic answer I give - "Because life is short and I wouldn't want to live it without having paddled the Mississippi"
Personal answer - "I need to get back to nature to figure out some stuff after Iraq"
Reason Now - "I want to come back next year and help a wounded warrior to become the first paraplegic to paddle the entire river. The amount of freedom I feel everyday is breath taking and I want to share it with someone who deserves it"
*edit - I am uploading an album to imgur now.
I want to come back next year and help a wounded warrior to become the first paraplegic to paddle the entire river. Please let us know when you get to the planning phase of this. I'll gladly kick in some money towards it. First thing when I get back. This is my new biggest priority besides not dying on the river.
Personal answer - "I need to get back to nature to figure out some stuff after Iraq" If you find yourself in New Orleans next Saturday, I will buy the booze. I will be there in 4 weeks.
The first answer is good enough for me, but each one after gets better and better. Best of luck to you :o) The ups is that I go as far as I want everyday, stop when I want and have time to really discover myself. I also can sing as loud as I want to a Kesha or Pink song on the radio while I am paddling.
Another question if you will? - What are the ups and downs to doing this solo? (Note: Solo, not alone) The downside is it is very lonely. When I first started out I would not see people for days and was alone which was ok and I felt fine. Now that I am somewhere where I see people all the time I feel lonely. Every person I meet asks me the same 3 or 4 questions.
Where do you jerk off? In my tent, the hammock makes it hard to maneuver.
When will you pass through Memphis? I reddit work literally on the banks of the river just south of the I-55 bridge. In about 8 days.
1) What are the expected total costs (gear included)? 1) The boat and gear ran me about 2000 dollars. 400 dollars for the ticket to Minneapolis, 300 to the guy who took me to Itasca. Then about 20 dollars per day I was on the river.
If you ever need a ride from Minneapolis to Itasca again, please just come to /twincitiessocial or PM me. $300 is ridiculous and I know that we could find someone to tote you up there for much less. I gave him 300$ because while I was waiting to go up I was bumming around the Mall of America, killing time. A cute girl asked me if I wanted to go to a casino and I said yes, because I love buffets and knew I could eat whatever I wanted. Waiting for the bus back to the mall so I could catch the shuttle back to my hotel I put 20 dollars in the Ghostbusters slot. I won 600 dollars. I don't really gamble and so I bought a nice hat and some nicer sunglasses for my trip. The guy who gave me a ride would have done it for free but I felt he deserved more and so gave him half of my winnings.
Is your name Huck or Jim? I am glad you did not write out Jim's name like Mark Twain did.
Would that even be possible? You'd exert so much energy per mile compared to going downstream... Everything from Minneapolis to St. Louis is flat because of the 29 locks and dams. It makes the river more like a staircase than a slope.
I noticed there was a picture of you inside a lock. Do they actually let a tiny boat like yours through the locks? Do they open and close the locks just for your little kayak? It seems a bit excessive but they send me through all by myself. The people at the locks are the only people I regularly talk to and are usually cool guys. In the locks with the bigger drops it feels like Star Wars with the giant gates opening.
But I mean you're going against the current regardless. Do kayaks skim the water so it wouldn't be too difficult? I guess I imagine paddling downstream somewhat like tubing down a river. Am I wrong? Back when the river was small and shallow there are sections that are class 2 rapids that would be very very difficult to paddle upstream. Also Saulk Rapids a couple of days north of Minneapolis would be almost impossible to paddle through. I think a rowing skiff would work best on most of it.
Pool 26 represent. FYI, St. Louis's sewer company, MSD, dumps raw sewage into the Mississippi. Hows the water quality now that you've come to our fine city? It has been nasty since Minneapolis. Everybody's poo goes into the river.
How do you get on reddit? I am at a hotel today. I have a smartphone and reddit is fun on it.
1) how are you going to paddle to pensacola? is it safe to take your boat through the gulf? 1) I plan on paddling the inter coastal most of the way from the mouth to Pensacola, my boat is very stable and can handle the gulf if I need it to.
2) do you like living in pensacola? do you consider it part of the deep south? 2) I do not like living in Pensacola, I plan on moving back to SLC. Pensacola is a great place to visit but not so much to live in, and yes it is very deep South.
Do you stop and visit some places you pass? If so, did you stop in the quad cities? (that's my hometown) I paddled through the quad cities at night. Your hometown is probably the most polluted area on the Mississippi. The water smelled like paint. I broke my paddle in the quad cities and was not very happy there.
How did you break your paddle? Going through the last lock in the quad cities I had to pee very bad. There is a rocky area just left of the locks when you exit. A lock can take 30 minutes and I had to go really bad. When I was paddling into that rocky area my paddle hit a rock and the blade broke.
Twin cities resident here! Did you see all the dogs along the shore chasing balls and having a merry time just before passing Fort Snelling? I did. They were on my left as I paddled by. Dogs love to come to the banks and bark at me. *edit - I keep a detailed journal while I am out here but you just reminded me of something I might have never remembered had you not asked. Thanks.
Had I been there that day this may have greeted you. Link to imgur.com I do have a serious question though: how has gear weight played a part in your selection of gear? How much does all of your gear weigh sans kayak? How often do you stop to resupply food and how much food and water do you carry with you? I do not have to worry about weight like I do when I backpack. My kayak alone weighs around 65 pounds. My gear is probably around 45 pounds now and I have about 15 pounds of food. I carry usually a weeks supply of food that is mostly mac and cheese and stovetop stuffing for dinner with pop tarts and candy bars for the day. Water is more difficult than food. I have a 10 liter MSR water bag and a 4 liter platypus bag. I have not been able to filter or treat my water since Minneapolis, and usually fill it up with a hose.
Do you not have a good enough filter & treatment for the water or just don't trust it given the water quality? You can't filter water from an oil slick.
So yeah, antiseptic. Hand sanitizer would be cheap and relatively light. I worked in Yellowstone after college at the Snow Lodge. Fly fishing is an art I will never master. If you ever have a chance to go out there and fish the Snake River or the Yellowstone River, take it. I am glad your eye is ok now.
I have plenty of other questions as well: when it's time to sleep do you simply pull off and sleep on shore? I know there has been some torrential rain lately, how has this effected your trip? Any weather situations that have forced you to stop for the day/had you scared shitless? When I was crossing Lake Cass it began sleeting on my and the winds were causing 3 foot waves. I fell in. I had a bag with fleece pants a fleece jacket and a pak-towel in case of this. After I got into dry clothes I paddled upriver to a lodge I saw earlier. I went into the shower and could not touch the water with my hands without intense pain. Without having been prepared I could have died that day, but luckily I didn't.
I usually just find an island on the river and set up there.
Do you have it setup so things stay in the kayak if it tips? Yes everything is strapped down and in waterproof bags.
What is this monkey swing you speak of? I take one arm and grab a tree branch then swing way back so my poo does not hit my feet. I call it the Monkey Swing because I feel like a monkey swinging from branch to branch.
How was La Crosse? Did you stop there by any chance? I did. A beautiful girl at the awesome river park recommended a pizza place and I ate four very large slices. La Crosse was a beautiful town with a great river front.
What did you do with your boat while you went to get the pizza? The rocks up to the park are pretty steep and it was such a nice clean place I felt like it was safe there.
Awesome! It's my hometown. (I'm in Ohio right now for school.) I'm glad you enjoyed it! What pizza place was it, do you recall? Good luck on the rest of your journey, sir! It was across from a bar called the library.
Beautiful women, recommending pizza? I must go to this place. She had just come from a food co-op also.
Australian cricket legend and World War II fighter pilot Keith Miller put things into perspective when he was asked how he handled the pressure of international cricket. His reply: "Pressure? A Messerschmitt up your arse is pressure. Playing cricket is not." My question: Does your currrent undertaking feel like a walk in the park compared to your time in Iraq? Do you think that this challenge is made (or feels) easier in some way by the experiences you made during your service? Apples and Oranges. We relied on each other a ton over there and it was a shared experience. I feel that my time in the service gave me the confidence to try to achieve something that might seem impossible.
Are you going through the locks when you come to them? Or are you going around on foot? I am going through the locks. I pull a little cord right before them that signals the lockmaster and they put me through just like a barge. I sometimes have to wait upwards of an hour and a half for the barges to go through first. Before Minneapolis I would have to carry my boat around the dams, sometimes up to a mile.
How do you carry the kayak? I've found them a lot harder to portage than canoes. I usually take 2 trips. First I carry all my gear then I use a handle on the side of my kayak to carry it.
Once you conquer the Mississippi what will be your next adventure? I want to come back and help a paraplegic be the first to paddle the entire river. I have had this on my mind for the last month and I think it could be done. The biggest obstacle is portaging around all the dams in Minnesota.
Someday I would like to ride a bike from Coney Island, NY to Chicago then take route 66 to LA. Then I will have done my personal triple crown. Walk up the country, float down then peddle across.
Are you worried about how violent the river becomes in Louisiana? That undercurrent is a killer, literally. Yes I am. 5 people have died on the river within a few miles of me since I have been out here. 4 in Burlington Iowa and one near Hannibal, MO. I stay very near the shore to avoid barges and to be safe. I am very aware that it will be dangerous but will continue anyways.
Most people who die on the river do so because they leave their life vests and brains on the dock to make room for more beer. I have never been or will be on this river without my life vest. I keep a small drybag on my vest with my phone and wallet in case I get separated from my boat.
Are you doing your ama from a mobile device on the water or are you taking a break right now? I am taking the day off. I am at a holliday inn with a business center. I do check reddit every couple of nights from my phone but have to conserve my battery in case I need my phone for an emergency. I stay in a hotel about once every 10 days and this is the second time I took an entire day off. I woke up today and was unable to close my fingers in a fist without a ton of pain and thought it would be a good idea to rest.
Where is your kayak while you are in the hotel room? Did you take it in with you? A marina here is letting me keep it there overnight. Sometimes I hide it among the trees on the shore when I run into town.
How much gear have you ditched so far because you overpacked? Haven't ditched any gear but have lost or broken; solar panel, gps, laptop, gloves, knit hat, kayak paddle and a fleece.
What piece of gear do you wish you had that you don't? What piece of gear has surprised you most? What piece of gear has disappointed you most? I wish I had a spare kayak paddle. My kayak paddle dissapointed me when it broke but the worst piece of gear I had was a Brunton Solar charger. It just straight up did not work even with 12 hours of direct sunlight.
Cat can stove? Cat Can Stove! I don't think anything inflatable could make it down this river because of all the debris.
Do you have any plans for future excursions? I want to do the river again but to act as a guide for a paraplegic and help him/her around the dams and such. It has become clear to me out here that life is better when you stop worrying about yourself and start helping others. If I could share this freedom with someone who might feel confined by their chair then that is a pretty good life.
One day I want to ride a bicycle across the country to complete my triple crown. Walk up, paddle down and ride across. I want to touch the South Pole before I die.
Ehat do you mean by "walk up"? Can you elaborate? When I hiked the Appalachian trail I walked up the country from Georgia to Maine.
When you camp on the side of the river, do you just do it wherever? did you have to organize/reserve locations, or do you just hobo-style it? any problems with authorities ever? I usually stay on islands and pull my boat all the way off the water. No one can really see me.
What kind of wildlife do you see?? At the start there was an amazing amount of wildlife. My favorite was a small furry wolf that was drinking from the riverside. I have seen a ton of deer, ducks, geese, loons, herons and beavers. I also saw a whooping crane. I have a picture of it.
How enormous are the whirlpools? I heard the Mississippi gets massive whirlpools, if so, have you ever gotten stuck in one? They can be upwards of 20 feet. They can be frustrating because there seems to be no good way to paddle around them without being spun around a bit. The more speed you have when skirting by them the less effect they have.
How fast does the Mississippi move? Like, you say you're paddling down it, but could you conceivably just float down it? From Minneapolis to St. Louis the river is controlled by locks and dams. Usually the wind comes from the South and if I do not paddle it pushes me upstream. The current picks up a ton after St. Louis because there are no more dams and floating becomes an option.
Tell us about the stuff you need to figure out about Iraq. What have you been doing since you came back, and why the need for adventure right now? The weight of being responsible for other people's deaths weighs heavy on my heart. I worked for the company that made the drone I flew for a while until they told me I would have to go to Afghanistan. I went back to school for a bit and waited tables. I knew in my heart that I was an adventurer and the only way to get back to that is to dive in.
How polluted is the Mississip? Outside of the cities it is not too bad. I have been by probably 25 coal power plants and tons of factories. The quad cities treats the river like a dump. The water is polluted beyond belief but local groups keep the shoreline decently clean, except in Minneapolis.
As someone who is looking at the filthy bastard right now, (Muscatine, Iowa) what made you choose the Mississippi? I grew up in Memphis and used to hang out at the river. I am just one of those people that when they see a mountain they want to climb it.
Ever read the story "Big Two-Hearted River" by Hemingway? You sound a bit like the character in that. Enjoy your journey and thanks for sharing. No I did read The River Why, Down the River, Huck Finn, and A River Runs Through it though.
How swole are your arms? I lifted a while before this and my arms have actually gotten smaller but more toned.
Any close calls with shady people? Any times where you feared for your safety? Thank you for your military service. Whenever I go through a larger town or city there are people who hang out under the bridges. I avoid them.
Once you get to the mouth in Venice, Louisiana. Would you like to have a beer with me? Sure.
How often do you listen to Black Water by the Doobie Brothers? I heard it on the radio about two weeks ago and sang along. The stroke by Billy Squire and Drift Away are 2 good paddlin songs too. You can usually find me singing along to Brittney Spears and Ke$ha to be honest.
How easy would it be to do this? Like how much experience do you recommend having before you set out on this journey? You need a decent amount of paddling experience for this and must know how to read a river.
Cool.... Where would you get started for all of this? Join a local paddling club. I went through the Memphis canoe and kayak club's courses on whitewater canoeing and kayaking in the 90's growing up. Even if you don't own a boat your local club will probably help you find something to paddle. When I am on my kayak it moves like another limb of my body. When you can paddle and not think about it you are golden. I used to work for an Outdoors shop in memphis. After work every day I would go to a small public lake at shelby farms and paddle for 2-3 hours. I did it because I loved it, even though I just went around in small circles. I did not know at the time that it would lead to this. Start small and dream big. I love the feeling of being on the water. Some people love climbing rocks. If it is el Cap, Everest, a solo sail around the world or maybe a float of the Mississippi that is your calling you will know.
Have you been smacked by any Asian carp yet? Yes they do hit my boat daily. Since lock 19 in Iowa they have been everywhere.
Very cool, I think it is very cool to see someone actively crossing things off a bucket list! Too many people just talk about doing those things but are never serious. Thank you for your service as well! I was paddling north of Minneapolis when I saw a couple of kayaks in front of me. I paddled to catch up and there were about 40 people paddling down the river. I had not seen anyone else paddling before and I was excited. They were a river club from Minneapolis that was out for a day paddle. One of the nice older ladies offered me a place to stay but I did not take the offer and paddled another 10 miles after they got out.
Just curious, how did you get by the Coon Rapids Dam in Minnesota? I imagine you just pulled out some where and put back in down river but I'd be interested to hear how anyway. There is a ridiculously long trail that goes up and down over 2 old rail beds, across a concrete path, down a steep hill, across a 2 foot wide bridge, up a hill with a tree fallen in the middle, then down a long path, that turns into another long path, that finally goes down a hill into a parking lot and then down another steep hill. The path was covered in ticks and there was dicarded panties and broken liquor bottles the whole way. I described it in another response as "rapey". It was not a good time.
How long do you plan on this trip taking? And did you do anything special to prepare for a journey of this magnitude? 70-80 days Nothing too special to be honest. Having gone through SERE-C in the Army helped as well as a lifetime of trips in the outdoors.
Welcome to St. Louis! Just wondering if the river's as muddy everywhere else as it is here? We even have a cake named Mississippi Mud Cake, so, yeah... lol. I used to drink the water and see down 6 feet. Since Iowa it has been bad. Remember playing "hot lava" as a kid. It is like that but with cancer.
Why? I once heard that the afterlife might be a separation from time and you live your life over and over again. Do yo measure life in dollars or in sunsets?
To an alien my life has purpose. What do you have. If it is kids and love you win. If not . . .
Because I own things that money could never buy.
Did I miss the imgur link to OP's pictures? The link is in my comments.
I work at a kayak rental shop in Cleveland, on lake Erie. Im assuming the boat is about 17 feet because you are obviously an experience paddler. Is that right? It is 14 feet.
Did you bring any weed? No :(
Bummer man. I might find a stealth grow on the banks one of these days but I wouldn't want to steal it. I will keep on looking though.
Real men paddle FROM Pensacola TO Minneapolis. If I could find someone to fund it I would turn around and paddle back when I am done.
I'd love a brief overview of the gear you're using. The kayak is a Jackson Cuda Sit on top. I was using an Accent kayak paddle until the blade snapped in the quad cities. I use an Accent paddle board paddle now. I sleep in either my REI 2 man tent or on my ENO hammock. I cook with a denatured alcohol stove. I always wear my life jacket which I have a dry bag attached to hold my phone and wallet. I have a rather large river knife attached to my vest also. I use a Marmot 30 degree sleeping bag with a Thermarest Z-rest for my bed. I had a solar panel and a gps but the river took those from me a month ago.
LOVE my ENO hammock! Slept in it all weekend... Good luck brotha! The ENO hammock is my favorite piece of gear.
As would I! I can't imagine using a sit on top for expedition paddling...a sea kayak feels so much more cozy to me. I picked the Jackson Cuda because I can stand and paddle it like a paddle board. I didn't go with a traditional kayak because I was afraid my legs would not be able to handle months inside a regular kayak.
Good luck, sir. I hope you find what it is you're looking for. You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. But first... first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. Mm-hmm. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... a cow... on the roof of a cotton house, ha. And, oh, so many startlements. I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the obstacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward. Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation.
Post that shit everywhere :D Maybe our numbers will swell abit. And the trivia team will grow.
Please tell me that's not a fishing pole. I hope you don't plan on eating any fish from that river. Polluted nasty poop fish! That's my poop you are kayaking with! (I live in STL) I would not eat anything south of the quad cities.
You are still north of myself - but when you reach Cairo to Caruthersville (spelling) anthing along that stretch - Basically the Convergance of Ohio and Miss - to where I44 crosses the River. Thanks. I will be passing by probably Friday. I could definitely use a new kayak paddle but I think my mom in Memphis has a spare she will lend me. Mine broke in the quad cities and I have been using a paddleboard paddle like a canoe paddle. It is a mess and I can't close my hands fully anymore but I kind of like it.
You need anything because I could probably get it to you. You can come out and we can high five if you want.
So - regarding Paddle and whatever - looks like I can swing heading North along the river on Thursday - so we are not constrained to a Friday crossing timeline. So outside of the Paddle - any "inland" favorites you desire let me know and we will try and work this out. I talked to my mom and I have an old paddle of mine at her place in Memphis. If you just want to come say hi that would be nice.
Because of the width and the height of the Cuda, a 240cm paddle would be best if you're going to provide a replacement. Maybe the Bending Branches infusion with the soft grips... I was using a 240 before because of the cuda's height. When you set the chair in the low position it is actually not that tall. It is an amazing vessel.
You should launch a Kickstarter campaign to write/document your travels. Perhaps when you do the trip again with a Wounded Warrior. The Wounded Warrior project could perhaps help too. If I could raise money I might. I am well read and well educated but I feel no need to share this. If I could help someone by being popular that would be good. I would rather just die with this than let someone sell it.
I plan on writing a book but I do not like attention while I am doing it. I have already written over 120 pages in my journal but I feel the river is the true story, not some asshole like me going down it If I do ever publish a book about this I want it to be like cannery row, a bit of the wild slipping on the knife. Some days I just wish I was like the kid in into the wild and if I die out here it is worth writing about.
I'm pretty sure I recall you posting your "ride wanted" ad in the twinscitiessocial subreddit or something of the like. Glad to see you found your ride! I recently traveled alongside the river just in Minnesota alone and am really jealous of your trip. No questions here, just good luck! Give some love to mn_redditor. Without him I would not be here.
When you come through Vicksburg, Mississippi, let me know! I will send you a message when I am close.
Did you get bitten by a snake. I fear most bodies of water because of this T_T. I have only seen two snakes in the water, both while waiting for locks. There will be more.
Oh my gosh HEY, i know you! I work at the Four Points you stayed at in MPLS and drove you around in the shuttle :) So fun to see your post on here and see the pictures of where you've been! Hey thanks for the radio station advice. You were a cool chick.
I admire your exercise in Zen. I find mine climbing rock walls. Enjoy the solidarity, risk, and enlightenment. The process of present moments is what matters. The best days are the ones where the hours melt like minutes.
When you get back the zombie contamination will be over. I always wanted to be patient zero in the zombie apocalypse. Maybe the foul waters of lousiana will cause this.
Last updated: 2012-06-03 02:11 UTC
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casino near memphis mississippi video

Grand Casinos Inc. and the Gaming Corporation of America said today that they had optioned a 1,000-acre site near Memphis on the Mississippi River and plan to open a casino there early next year. Southland Casino Racing is just 7 miles west of downtown Memphis, TN. In fact, there are seven casinos within 40 miles of downtown Memphis, Tennessee. The two main casino options in Memphis are: Southland Casino, and Tunica, Mississippi. Just forty miles south of Memphis is the booming casino and resort town of Tunica, Mississippi. Now the third largest gaming town in the nation, Tunica once had one of the country's poorest economies. The eight casinos in Northern Mississippi offer a large variety of games, hotel accommodations, restaurants, live shows, and more. Hopefully I am not too late for your message. The Grand Casino is the nearest to Memphis.It is just across the Tunica county line. I would say 15-20 minutes from the state line, so 30 minutes tops from downtown. Browse our selection of 20 Casino hotels & resorts in Memphis, TN for the ultimate stay & play vacation. Make your casino vacation a sure bet with Expedia and save your money & time. You shouldn’t be betting blind when it comes to finding a great deal on accommodations near your next gaming destination. Play your cards right and book a reservation for your next trip with confidence. Whether you’re a high roller or casual player, Travelocity has a wide selection of Memphis hotels near a casino for you to peruse.

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